"Congressman Greg Gianforte has been a steadfast advocate for the unborn and for the pro-life citizens of Montana throughout his time in office," said SBA List President Marjorie Dannenfelser. "Greg will bring welcome change to the governor's mansion after six long years of extremism from Steve Bullock, who stood in the way of compassionate legislation to stop late-term abortions after five months of pregnancy and protect babies born alive during failed abortions – popular bills that Greg championed in Congress, along with his efforts to protect conscience rights and stop taxpayer funding of the abortion industry. We're honored to endorse a strong pro-life leader like Greg and urge Montana voters to support him at the polls."

Big news, Friend.

The Susan B. Anthony List, an organization truly "dedicated to ending abortion by electing national leaders and advocating for laws that save lives," has given me their endorsement in this historic race for governor of Montana!

I'm proud to receive this key vote of support, just as I'm proud of my record working to protect the most defenseless and innocent Americans, the unborn. The endorsement of my campaign by such a strong defender of the pro-life principles we share is greatly prized -- as is yours, Friend!

You can show your own endorsement of my commonsense conservative campaign to bring real executive experience back to Helena, too Friend, by making a generous contribution of $25, $50, $75, $100 or even more today!

Let's win a historic victory for our conservative values!



Greg Gianforte

Paid for by Greg for Montana, Republican
P.O. Box 877 Helena, MT 59624

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