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In Motion

It’s been a busy week for Indiana, and also here at your Indiana Republican Party headquarters. We’re in motion, just like the state of Indiana.

Today is the first day of Stage 4 of Indiana’s Back on Track Plan, and it’s clear that Governor Holcomb’s leadership is safely getting Indiana back to business. Read below on what this new stage means for us all as we're getting out and about.

Here in the office, this week was the deadline for delegates to the 2020 Indiana Republican State Convention to pay their delegates fees. And we’ve been busy finalizing the schedule of events we have planned for our convention broadcast – and I have to tell you, it’s definitely going to be must-see-TV.

We’ve got all four attorney general candidates scheduled, Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch is giving a speech, and Governor Holcomb will deliver the keynote address talking about his vision for continuing to build One Indiana over the next four years. Plus we’ve got some really fun panel discussions…and even some surprises.

We’re all disappointed that we won’t be able to meet in person for convention. But we're working to make this historic event -- the first time our convention has EVER been broadcast -- something that you'll never forget. I'm excited for this live broadcast, bringing us all together with the energy we’ll need to deliver more Republican victories in November!

- Chairman Kyle Hupfer

PHOTO: Indiana GOP Chairman Kyle Hupfer has been doing a lot of interviews lately, including chatting with the Portage GOP Live team about next week’s 2020 Indiana Republican State Convention. Check out the interview here.

Governor Holcomb's Week That Was

Getting Indiana Back on Track: Stage 4 Starts Today!

Great news! Indiana is entering Stage 4 of Governor Holcomb's Back on Track plan two days early! Check out what businesses are reopening & new safety guidelines below: 

  • Social gatherings can include up to 250 Hoosiers
  • Restaurants can operate at 75% capacity (with social distancing)
  • Bars, nightclubs, movie theaters, bowling alleys, amusement parks, water parks, and entertainment and tourism sites can open at 50% capacity
  • Retail stores and malls can operate at full capacity
  • Community recreational games, leagues and tournaments may resume
  • Racing venues may open at 50% capacity
  • Charity gaming and casinos may open on June 15
  • Playgrounds may reopen
  • State government buildings are open by appointment
Indianapolis and Marion County will begin Stage 4 on June 19. 

How is this possible?

Statewide, we are seeing a decline in the number of Hoosiers hospitalized with COVID-19, we’re seeing ICU and ventilator capacity remain strong, we’ve got more than 200 testing sites available statewide, and we can effectively contact trace COVID-19 cases to contain the spread.

In order to keep Indiana on track to reach Stage 5 in July, we are going to need all Hoosiers to continue the great work they have done to get us to Stage 4 earlier than expected. That means continuing to follow safety guidelines like wearing a facemask & continuing to social distance.

To stay up to date on the latest developments, please make sure you're following Governor Holcomb on FacebookTwitter and Instagram

Thank you to every Hoosier who is doing his or her part to stop the spread of the coronavirus and flatten the curve. We're #INThisTogether, and we're getting #BackOnTrack!

Next Week: Watch the Indiana Republican State Convention Live
The 2020 Indiana Republican State Convention is now less than a week away! You'll hear directly from Governor Eric Holcomb, Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch, our four attorney general candidates, Indiana GOP Chairman Kyle Hupfer...and also a few surprises.

This is the first time that our state convention has EVER been broadcast to a statewide audience!

You can tune in statewide at 5:30 p.m. ET/4:30 p.m. CT:
For Hoosiers serving as delegates who have paid their delegate fees, you should start receiving your ballot on June 22. For more information for delegates -- including upcoming deadlines, a video explaining voting, and more FAQs -- please visit our updated convention website here.

We hope you tune in and join us as we make history with our first-ever virtual Republican State Convention! 
Super Saturday: June 20
Looking for ways to support President Trump, Governor Holcomb & Republicans up and down the ballot? With state convention moving to June 18, let's take June 20 (the original date for convention) and get to action with our next Super Saturday!

Super Saturday is scheduled for June 20th, where we'll be talking to voters across the state about their thoughts, and the results our leaders are delivering. 

Interested in helping us make a difference at the ballot box? Sign up here!

News You Can Use

Governor Eric Holcomb authorizes Indiana to advance to next-to-last stage of reopening
Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch discusses Indiana agriculture with Indiana Farm Bureau
Senator Todd Young says Payroll Protection Program is working as shown by recent jobs report
Senator Mike Braun supports Pro-Tex-All's work producing hand sanitizer

Congresswoman Jackie Walorski receives the U.S. Chamber of Commerce award
Congressman Jim Banks departs for border tour
Congressman Jim Baird applauds National Science Foundation
Congresswoman Susan Brooks congratulates winner of 2020 Congressional Art Competition
Congressman Greg Pence affirms signing of PPP Flexibility Act
Congressman Larry Bucshon attends solar array ribbon cutting at Orthopedic Associates 
Congressman Trey Hollingsworth asks for Hoosiers to share their opinions

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