June endorsed campaigns

Dear John,

We are very excited to announce that DC JWJ will be working on and supporting a few exciting new campaigns. Are you interested in getting plugged into these new campaigns? Make sure you sign up to volunteer with us. And be sure your organization supports as well.

We endorsed these campaigns at our Steering Committee meeting on June 4, at which time we weren't prepared to bring new demands from the Movement for Black Lives, but hope to share more with you soon.

Cancel Rent
The Council must respond immediately by taking drastic action to help renters struggling to survive amidst the ongoing COVID-19 crisis. You can sign the petition from the DC Tenants Union in calling for the Council to

  • Cancel rent and mortgage payments for the duration of the state of emergency plus one month
  • Impose a two-year freeze on rent increases while the city recovers
  • Guarantee a right to counsel in eviction cases
  • Vastly expand the Emergency Rental Assistance Program with tripled funding, expanded eligibility, and no more annual limits on frequency and amount
  • And enact into law the Reclaim Rent Control platform in its entirety
The pandemic and crushing economic downturn is bringing extreme levels of hardship to DC families. Tens of thousands of workers are jobless and a growing number of small businesses have been shuttered. To ensure we build a just recovery and come out of this crisis stronger than before, it is important for the city’s response to protect and strengthen crucial investments by raising revenue. Sign the petition and join DC JWJ and our allies in JUFJ and Fair Budget Coalition in calling for the Council to make the wealthy pay their fair share and end corporate giveaways.  

The People’s Demands of Washington, DC were established by community based groups doing on the ground work amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. This list represents the thoughts and contributions of thousands of DC residents and organizations representing the people. DC JWJ stands with the community organizers leading this effort and will actively support the People's Demand's, especially in areas relating to incarceration, housing and worker justice.

Expanded Paid Sick Leave for All
Recent federal legislation gave many workers 2 weeks of paid sick days however these new rights are not extended to workers who work for employers with more than 500 employees. DC existing paid sick leave is inadequate for the current moment, workers at large employers must be given access to expanded paid sick leave. In the coming months DC JWJ will pressure Mayor Bowser and the Council to pass local legislation to expand the right to 2 weeks of paid sick leave to cover workers who work for any size employer.

Excluded Workers
There are tens of thousands of workers in the District who will not be able to access any form of cash assistance to weather the storm of the immediate Covid-19 crisis. These workers have been excluded because of who they are or the work they perform. Their needs are particularly acute during the pandemic and must be addressed. We joined with our allies in labor and community based groups to call for DC to expand efforts at guaranteeing the economic security, safety, and health of all workers including excluded workers. Join the "DC Council, Don't Exclude Me" action on June 29th.

Misclassification of Workers
Gig companies are hurting DC’s ability to recover from the crisis by shirking their responsibility to pay into state-or federal-level UI program. Gig workers need access to robust unemployment benefits and gig companies need to pay their fair share. D.C. should take enforcement measures against companies that shirk basic tax obligations and expand the application of the “ABC Test” tool industries to prevent gig-based companies from avoiding the financial needs of their workers.

We look forward to working with you on these new campaigns.

In solidarity,
DC Jobs with Justice

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