Dear Friend,
Each year, California's farmers rely on 1.3 million bee colonies to
pollinate trees that produce 80% of the world's almonds.(1)
But bees are suffering from a massive die-off, and at the current rate, in
50 years we may not have almonds at all -- as well as apples, pears, or
California is leading the fight to stop bee-killing pesticides from
destroying our precious pollinators, but Donald Trump's EPA has just
permitted the use of a highly toxic pesticide in 11 states, including
[ [link removed] ]Courage Campaign is fighting to save the bees in California and around
the country. Will you donate to help save the bees?
American agriculture has become 48 times more toxic to bees since the
introduction of pesticides such as neonicotinoids and sulfoxaflor. These
bee-killing chemicals are used on more than 140 crops, and in 25 years,
the U.S. has lost almost half of its honeybee population.(2)
Bee extinction would be catastrophic to the world's food supply. More than
half the world's consumed fat comes from oilseed pollinated by bees, as do
37% of other crops we rely on to eat. And the plants that do
self-pollinate show a decline in quality and production without bees
helping out.(3)
Saving the bees should be a top priority, but agribusinesses who make
bee-killing pesticides spend millions every year lobbying the EPA and
Congress to keep their toxic chemicals coming.(4) The Trump administration
has reversed course on the pesticides that are causing colony collapse,
allowing them to be sprayed on wildlife refuges and granting more
"emergency" uses on millions of acres of crops.
Courage Campaign is fighting back against these bee killers, urging state
and local governments to ban these pesticides in order to thwart Trump's
assault on the bees. And we're calling on Congress to stop the use of
neonicotinoids and sulfoxaflor for good.
We must do everything possible to save the bees, but we can't do it
without your help.
[ [link removed] ]Will you donate to help save the bees?
Yours in the fight for our environment,
Eddie, along with Analeeza, Annie, Brenna, Caitlin, Diego, Gabby, Lindsay,
Mai, Mary, Molly, Raquel, and Scottie (the Courage team)
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