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ADL Hosts Virtual National Leadership Summit
Last weekend, nearly 500 ADL leaders from across the country attended ADL’s annual National Leadership Summit virtually. Participants attended a series of virtual workshops on issues of vital importance to America, including increasing incidents of antisemitism, the scourge of racism, civil rights and liberties at this troubling moment in our history. This event also featured
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remarks from Jonathan Greenblatt, ADL CEO , on the current state of antisemitism and hatred in America.
Speakers included activist and CNN contributer
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Van Jones , former presidential candidate
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Andrew Yang , opinion columnist at The Washington Post,
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Jennifer Rubin and Los Angeles Mayor
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Eric Garcetti . In addition to the plenary speeches, meeting participants heard remarks from New York Governor
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Andrew Cuomo accepting the ADL America’s Democratic Legacy Award. Recipients of the 2020 ADL Daniel R. Ginsberg Leadership Award were also recognized.
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George Floyd, Racism and Law Enforcement (in English and en Espanol)
On May 25, 2020, George Floyd, an African American man, was killed while being arrested by the police. This led to community and national outrage, an FBI civil rights investigation and the firing of the officer, Derek Chauvin and three other officers who were also at the scene. On May 29, Chauvin was arrested and charged with third-degree murder and manslaughter. On June 3, the charges against Chauvin were upgraded to second-degree murder and the three other officers were charged with aiding and abetting murder.
There is a larger context and history of African American men and boys who have been killed at the hands of the police, many of whom, like George Floyd, were unarmed. ADL created
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this Table Talk for families to discuss systemic racism, how hate and bias escalate, protests and more.
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Teaching about Racism, Violence, Inequity and the Criminal Justice System
For the past several years, there have been incidents of police officers involved in the deaths of Black and Latinx people. In many of these cases, the police officers responsible were not indicted and not convicted when brought to trial. These cases have brought about a wide range of emotions, conversations, policy proposals, protests and actions. Because this is an important conversation that teachers, parents and family members want to have with young people, below are relevant lesson plans, related curricula and additional anti-bias resources and strategies to help you discuss this topic with young people in school and at home.
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Officials Say A KKK Leader Drove His Truck Into A Crowd Of Protesters in Virginia
This past weekend, a confirmed KKK leader drove his car into a crowd of peaceful protesters in Henrico County, Virginia. The Klan member responsible also participated in the 2017 Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville. Our Center on Extremism is tracking ongoing KKK violence and recruitment, despite the Klan's long, slow decline. Learn more about how extremists are weighing in on nationwide protests
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here .
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Removal of Robert E. Lee statue in Richmond blocked by Judge
Virginia Govenor Ralph Northam announced last week that the statue of Lee would be removed from Monument Avenue in Richmond.
“In Virginia, we no longer practice a false version of history,” Northam said, ordering the statue removed “as soon as possible.”
Shortly after, a Richmond judge temporarily blocked the removal, granting a 10-day injunction sought by Virginia resident William C. Gregory, saying there is a likelihood of "irreparable harm" to the statue if it is removed. The judge stated that it would be within "the public interest" to "await resolution of this case on the merits prior to removal of the statue by defendants, and the public interest weighs in favor of maintaining the status quo."
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Fighting Hate From Home Webinar Review: Talk with Jonathan Greenblatt about ADL on the Front Lines Against Racism in America
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this week's webinar , ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt answered your questions about what must be done by ADL to stand shoulder to shoulder with the Black community, and address the institutional racism entrenched both in law enforcement and throughout our society. We also shared profound insights from Van Jones, Jennifer Rubin, Andrew Yang and Eric Garcetti, who all addressed this past weekend’s annual summit of ADL leaders.
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learn more and register for upcoming webinars
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Thank You Helpers - Send a Message of Support to Our Brave Frontline
While ADL keeps the fight against antisemitism, bigotry and hate going amid this pandemic, we are beyond grateful to our brave heroes on the frontlines around the world keeping us safe and fighting the coronavirus.
Please join ADL in showing these individuals our gratitude and support.
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Click here to share your message of thanks and appreciation for the COVID-19 frontline workers , including but not limited to: community service workers, first responders, healthcare workers, law enforcement officials, scientists, and all other essential service workers and helpers assisting our communities.
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