IMPORTANT UPDATE: Both of the biggest and most influential papers in Kentucky have now endorsed Charles Booker to take on Mitch McConnell. The Louisville Courier-Journal's reasons are must-read material for everyone who wants to defeat Mitch McConnell in November:
COURIER-JOURNAL: Charles Booker is the kind of political leader and change agent that our commonwealth needs. We believe he is worthy of the Democratic nomination.
The Kentucky state representative, born and raised in Louisville’s West End, has the background, experience, commitment and vision to help transform our state and nation. He brings a perspective and several well-crafted ideas that Kentucky voters need to consider as we approach November’s general election.
While Amy McGrath has broad support, as evidenced by her successful fundraising, she has not shown the progressive ideas and bold leadership necessary to move our state forward. She has been overly moderate, measured and cautious throughout this campaign, focusing more on her military service (which we applaud and sincerely respect) or her motherhood than offering a sweeping vision for the commonwealth — especially in these turbulent times.
Unfortunately, her message to voters has been unimaginative and uninspiring: "Let me tell you what’s wrong with Mitch McConnell instead of explaining why my vision for our commonwealth and our country is a better fit for Kentucky voters."
We also believe the national Democratic Party was too quick to offer its full support and fundraising apparatus to a candidate who has never held public office and stumbled out of the gate when announcing her candidacy. McGrath’s self-described "common sense Kentucky Democrat" tagline — a campaign strategy to attract potential supporters of President Donald Trump who are looking for an alternative to McConnell — has fallen flat in these final weeks of the campaign....
As Booker told us in our interview, "We need system-level change in our commonwealth." Booker's vision for Kentucky and the United States is bold, progressive, positive and passionate. We believe he’s the strongest in this field of Democrats in Kentucky’s June 23 primary.
AOC, Bernie, and BOTH of Kentucky's top newspapers have endorsed Charles Booker to take on Mitch McConnell. Please donate to his campaign right now, and our work to elect him and progressives across the country. -- The PCCC Elections Team
We have 1 shot to defeat Mitch McConnell in Kentucky. There are 2 main Dem candidates. The primary's in 2 weeks.
Charles Booker is a popular legislator who calls for "moral clarity" against McConnell. His cousins were killed by police, and he's on the front lines of the peaceful protests for Black Lives.
As a diabetic who struggled to afford insulin, he's campaigning for Medicare For All. As a father of two kids, he's campaigning for a Green New Deal. He's surging with a string of endorsements and grassroots donations flooding in.
Amy McGrath was recruited by DC Democrats. She stumbled out the gate, saying she would have voted for Brett Kavanaugh for Supreme Court.
She consistently criticizes McConnell for blocking Trump from doing even more! (Like that's the problem.) She's been absent on Black Lives Matter at a time when Black voters will be key to victory.
Charles Booker says the way to defeat McConnell is to "lead with moral clarity...you don't run a pro-Trump Democrat...[voters] can smell BS from a mile away."
We've thought hard about what electability means in this race.
Commenting on Trump's agenda, Amy McGrath says Trump's "not able to get it done because of Senator McConnell...That’s going to be my message."
Kentucky voters who like Trump are not going to boot McConnell and vote for a Democrat promising to support Trump even more. That message will just demobilize our base.
Charles Booker grew up in one of the poorest zip codes in Kentucky, struggled with student debt, and rose to being a prominent legislator.
People see him in the community. McGrath airs TV ads in DC!
People trust Charles. Popular Kentucky sports radio host Matt Jones endorsed Jones this week, saying, "We don’t agree on everything. But I do know this — Charles has a big heart, and he cares." We can help Charles get that message out in the final days.
In this particular moment, we can flood the polls and defeat McConnell -- with the right candidate. The Lexington Herald-Leader endorsed Charles, saying he's "the only one generating real excitement."
Thanks for being a bold progressive.
-- PCCC Elections Team
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