***URGENT LEGISLATIVE UPDATE*** Congress gearing up for more
CORONA-Y-ISM Dear Fellow Patriot, It's no coincidence Dr. Fauci is back stirring up fear and panic in front of the national media elites’ cameras this week. As Dr. Paul has warned for weeks, the Washington, D.C. "Swamp" political industrial complex is ratcheting up their operations to loot more of Americans' wealth under the guise of so-called "rescue" from the coronavirus chaos they spun up! In fact, as this headline from Forbes notes, White House Adviser Kevin Hassett even insisted during a recent interview: "There ‘Definitely’ Will Be Another Stimulus Package, Trump Economic Adviser
Says!" It's madness. The really troubling news is the Big Government crowd in BOTH parties' congressional leadership have their next spending monstrosity already half-way home. And we might not have much time before they move to ram the legislation through Congress. You see, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), rammed the latest $3 TRILLION coronavirus spending monstrosity through the House last month -- now Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell will try to get another pound of flesh for his cronies. As Dr. Paul points out in his recent message below, there’s a lot in the spending monstrosity Speaker Pelosi handed off to Sen. McConnell. . . including a $75 billion down payment for states to stand up H.R. 6666-style contact tracing
armies. Not to mention the more, more, more, the Big Government Left is demanding for their favorite “cultural institutions.” As U.S. Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) stated,
“I think we do have to give money to private cultural institutions, and I’m not
concerned, frankly, about borrowing money by the trillions.” The Big Government statists in Congress and their pals in the Federal bureaucracy (like Dr. Fauci and his cohorts) have spent like drunken sailors for far too long already. They've driven the National Debt to a record of over $26 TRILLION now -- $2 TRILLION of it since April. For perspective -- the entire annual federal budget is “ONLY” $4 trillion! ![]() It's up to liberty loving patriots like you and me to stop this insanity. So please take moment to read Dr. Paul's message below, then please sign the ENOUGH! LOOTING petition! If you already have signed, or after you sign your petition now, please forward this message to friends and family. Then, I hope you'll also consider making your most generous financial contribution of $50 to help Campaign for Liberty mobilize more patriots to defend our freedoms and stop the Washington, D.C. "Swamp" from looting! Please act at once. In Liberty, Norman Singleton President |
![]() How many of the folks wreaking havoc across the country right now do you think got government checks from the coronavirus spending bonanza? Well another one is on the way. And you can bet BOTH parties are itching to throw in more, more, more payoffs for their cronies in the Big Government, social welfare, and financial elite crowds as a result of the current chaos. I need liberty-loving patriots like you to help me shout enough! So, won’t you please sign the ENOUGH! LOOTING petition I’ve prepared for you at once? House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) already rammed a $3 TRILLION coronavirus spending monstrosity through the House last month. There’s a lot in it . . . including a $75 billion down payment for states to stand up H.R. 6666-style contact tracing armies. As presumptive Democrat Party presidential nominee, Joe Biden recently stated, “From this pandemic you can remake the world as it should be. To see Covid-19 as the force majeure that compels us to rewrite the social contract . . .” And looting your tax dollars is how they do it. They know every dollar of your wealth they seize and dole out to their cronies in the Big Government social welfare crowds, the more leverage they have to seize TOTAL control over our economy, our lives, and our freedoms. It’s you and me (not to mention our kids and grandkids for generations) they’re looting from. So, I’m counting on liberty-loving patriots like you to help me shout enough! By signing your ENOUGH! LOOTING petition today, you’ll help me send a message LOUD and CLEAR to Speaker Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), and the rest of the statist politicians in the Washington, D.C. “Swamp” you and I have had enough of them using crises to loot our futures! If not, I’m worried our country will slide into a permanent emergency state (aka police state) where our livelihoods, our liberties, and ultimately our whole way of life are snuffed out. . . You and I both know politicians are all too willing to use often-manufactured crises to enrich themselves and their cronies while clamping down on our lives, our livelihoods and our liberties. I need you to act fast. Many Republicans in the U.S. Senate are already wading to the trough and making noises about caving into Speaker Pelosi’s demands as long as there’s enough in it for them. The fact is, Nancy Pelosi’s bill is a monstrosity that includes: >>>
TRILLIONS of taxpayer dollars to bailout irresponsible state and local governments -- places like California and
Illinois that view taxpayers’ pockets as slush funds for special interests like union bosses and a labyrinth of community organizers. >>> Nearly $100 BILLION for H.R. 6666-style contact tracing, helping stand up an unprecedent Orwellian surveillance nightmare, complete with forced medical interventions. >>> $3.6 BILLION for election “contingency planning” -- a recipe for rampant “ballot harvesting” and Vote-by-Mail fraud. And that’s all before Congress hands the Federal Reserve more power to print helicopter money out of thin air for CORONA-Y-ISM bailouts for their financial elite pals and social welfare boondoggles. The statists and profiteers have run roughshod over society for long enough! So please, please sign the ENOUGH! LOOTING petition right away. Then, please consider helping support our efforts by pitching in at least $7 today. Please act at once. For
Liberty, ![]() Ron Paul Chairman Respect for the Constitution, the rule of law, individual liberty, sound money, and a constitutional foreign
policy constitute the foundation of the Campaign for Liberty.