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The Unz Review Digest - June 12, 2020

The death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police provoked an unprecedented outbreak of protests, riots, and looting across the nation, and entirely dominated our own coverage.

Ranking first by a wide margin was the Saker’s suggestion that we are witnessing the systemic collapse of American society and our political system, with the escalating social, economic, and racial divisions now too severe to heal, a perspective that provoked some 500 contentious comments, totaling over 60,000 words.

Placing a strong second was Jared Taylor’s critique of the standard media narrative of racial issues, demonstrating that the enormously high rate of black criminality is the obvious explanation for their high rates of arrest and imprisonment rather than the widespread allegations of police racial bias and unfairness claimed by our pundits.  Over 400 comments totaling more than 50,000 words discussed and debated this position.

Our third most popular featured article by Fred Reed focused on some of the highest-profile cases of unjustified police killings of blacks, arguing that these demonstrated the terrible failings of the current system but still did not excuse the rampant nationwide looting by young blacks.  Over 500 comments totaling more than 65,000 words hotly debated these issues.

Running fourth and fifth were columns by John Derbyshire and Anatoly Karlin, both arguing that the exceptionally emotional promotion of anti-racism and the Black Lives Matter movement amounts to a religious crusade, as impervious to logical or empirical questioning as any other sacred doctrine.  Therefore, pointing out the factual reality of exceptionally high black crime rates or the true circumstances of George Floyd’s death is unlikely to have significant impact.

And rounding out our most popular featured articles was the Saker’s latest piece, which reached that spot after just one day.  He focused on the bizarre current knee-bending public ritual of America’s ruling political elites, representing the sort of mass-hysteria we might expect to see in a collapsing global empire.

I have lived in the United States for a total of 24 years and I have witnessed many crises over this long period, but what is taking place today is truly unique and much more serious than any previous crisis I can recall. And to explain my point, I would like to begin by saying... Read More
This article is an expanded version of the script for this video. The United States is in an uproar over the death of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis police. There have been demonstrations in over 400 US cities, and looting and arson in every major city. Why are so many people in... Read More
Studies in Applied Stupidity
This will be a disoriented essay. These are disorienting times. Perhaps the reader should prepare himself with a double shot of Wild Turkey throat sanitizer, or a doob. I am still getting mail saying that Floyd’s death was due to underlying conditions. I see. By purest coincidence, he died of natural causes while hand-cuffed, face... Read More
Earlier: Police Racism: A Manufactured Crisis, by Jared Taylor When I first came to these shores in August of 1973, I lived down on New York's Lower East Side, with some Chinese friends from Hong Kong. They were fairly recent immigrants themselves, and keen to show me the sights. One evening they took me to... Read More
What you have in #BlackLivesMatter is an emerging religion, complete with its own pantheon of saints and martyrs and the latest iteration of what some have called negrolatry, or the Cult of the Magical Negro.. The latest "saint" in this religion was a highly flawed human being, to put it charitably. Career criminal, drug dealer,... Read More
It is quite interesting to observe how many commentators are completely misreading the current race riots or compare them with previous race riots in the history of the US. I suppose that by telling themselves that these latest riots are "just like" or "not nearly as bad" as past US race riots they try to... Read More
So, the GloboCap-Resistance Minneapolis Putsch appears to have not gone exactly to plan. Once again, Trump failed to go full-Hitler, despite their best efforts to goad him into doing so. They gave it quite a good shot, however. It was more or less a textbook regime-change op, or “color revolution,” or whatever you call it.... Read More
Who could have guessed that the Floyd protest was the best Coronavirus vaccine? The same people that warned us that the virus is the deadliest plague and staying-at-home is the only escape, now commanded us to march amongst throngs, shoulder-to-shoulder against police! It appears they have the dreadful pandemic under their command, on tap: now... Read More
Training of American police in brutal tactics revealed
The killing of black man George Floyd by white Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin has produced the highest level of national unrest seen in the United States since the 1960s. Tens of thousands of protesters are demonstrating against racism and perceived police brutality. As it also comes at a time of coronavirus pandemic and record... Read More
On June 4th, Common Dreams’ lead story is titled, “‘This Isn’t Going Away’: Defying Curfews and Police Brutality in Relentless Push for Justice, Uprising Over Killing of George Floyd Keeps Growing.” The same day, I received a mass email from Jee Leong Koh, a Singaporean poet living in Harlem. In an 800-word statement about the... Read More
Americans are deeply troubled by the sadistic killing of George Floyd, but they're also worried about the nationwide protests. According to a recent Wall Street Journal/NBC News survey, 80 percent of those who were polled think the country is spiraling out of control. This is an unsustainable situation. People want justice for Mr Floyd, but... Read More
The Revolution Won’t Be Televised because this is not a revolution. At least not yet. Burning and/or looting Target or Macy’s is a minor diversion. No one is aiming at the Pentagon (or even the shops at the Pentagon Mall). The FBI. The NY Federal Reserve. The Treasury Department. The CIA in Langley. Wall Street... Read More
Have you noticed the peculiar fact that despite the lockdown, the economic crisis, tens of millions unemployed and multiple corporations filing for bankruptcy, Wall Street is having a ball? CNBC‘s Jim Cramer examined this anomaly earlier a few days ago, his verdict: “we're looking at a V-shaped recovery in the stock market, and that has... Read More
In America, white citizens are under siege in a three front war with criminals on the street, the entire government, and the plutocrats directing them. These forces have all united to support the George Floyd race riots. In Clarksdale, Mississippi, a nurse named Monie Brown was fired from her job at Northwest Mississippi Regional Medical... Read More
The unspoken statistical reality of urban crime over the last quarter century.
RoidRanger /
The noted science fiction writer Philip K. Dick once declared that “Reality is what continues to exist whether you believe in it or not.” Such an observation should be kept in mind when we consider some of the touchier aspects of American society. Recall the notorious case of Daniel Patrick Moynihan, whose 1965 report on... Read More
As American cities burn and people are murdered in the street with impunity by groups protesting the death of George Floyd, very little reporting has been done on who exactly is responsible beyond tweets from Donald Trump about the mobs being led by "Antifa" (Anti-Fascist) -- an umbrella term anarchist organizations use as propaganda when... Read More
There is apparently no limit to what the United States and Israel can get away with without any consequences. The United States has been waging devastating economic warfare against Iran and Venezuela while also blaming China for a global health crisis that it is unwilling to help address due to its withdrawal from the World... Read More
In the great capitals of Western Europe, thousands of people have been protesting against the death of George Floyd and in support of the Black Lives Matter movement. In the Netherlands: In Copenhagen: And in front of the U.S. Embassy in Berlin: There is a long history of Europeans shaming Americans for mistreating Negroes. For... Read More
[Excerpted from the latest Radio Derb, now available exclusively through] America's most enduring problem, the problem of the blacks, has been dominating the news this week. The attitude I bring to these news stories is one of weary despair. They are reported and discussed publicly in language that bears very little relation to reality,... Read More
Over the last few decades, I doubt that any American political organization has received greater negative attention in our national news and entertainment media than the Ku Klux Klan, or KKK. For example, although white activist David Duke left that group over 35 years ago, the media still often identifies him as one of its... Read More

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