
Let us be 100% clear about one thing: There is no democracy without racial justice.

Say their names:

George Floyd.

Breonna Taylor.

Ahmaud Arbery.

Tony McDade.

And countless other Black and Brown people killed by police violence.

The past two weeks have seen a momentous and inspiring uprising for Black liberation.

Now more than ever it is critical to center Black-led organizations and Black organizers.

HAZMAT America raises up the issues of democracy and corruption in the fights that affect all of us, so we can rally for a government that represents everyone, not just the wealthiest 1%. 

But without racial justice, even getting all the big money out of politics, and ending the corruption we see on a day-to-day basis is not enough to achieve a real democracy. Black people can’t participate in elections if they’re being killed and terrorized by police officers and targeted by a racist criminal justice system. And structural barriers to participation that make it difficult or impossible for Black and Brown people to make their voices heard by voting won’t simply be fixed by ending the influence of big money.

We must stand in complete solidarity with Black-led organizations and Black-led movements for justice if we are truly committed to democracy.

Here are a few ways we have identified to help, for now:

Over the past two weeks we have seen the power of protest and direct action. George Floyd’s murderers have been arrested and charged, the Minneapolis City Council has committed to completely dismantling its police force, and a people’s assembly in the city even expelled the Mayor from a demonstration after he refused to commit to defunding the police.

Protest works. Direct action works.

We know that structural racism will not be ended quickly or easily. The violence perpetrated by police against Black and Brown people in America is endemic and horrifying. But we also know there are steps we can take NOW to fight back.

If we care about democracy, we must fight for racial justice.

In solidarity,

Chris at HAZMAT America


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HAZMAT America

1701 K Street NW, Suite 750

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United States


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