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Just News

for June 12, 2020

News and views from the National Community Reinvestment Coalition. Find more at For continuous updates, follow us on Twitter and Facebook.
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NCRC Supports House Resolution To Overturn New CRA Rules
House Financial Services Committee Chair Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) and Rep. Gregory Meeks (D-NY), also a member of the Financial Services Committee, introduced yesterday a Congressional Review Act resolution to overturn the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) rules finalized this month by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC). [Read more]

NCRC Statement On New PPP Flexibility Act
Last week, the Senate passed the Payment Protection Program (PPP) Flexibility Act, already passed by the House in May, sending the bill to the president, who is expected to sign it into law. While the act makes necessary improvements to the PPP, more needs to be done to ensure money is going to minority and women-owned businesses and the smallest small businesses. [Read more]


NCRC Members, Allies Respond To Black Lives Matter Protests
NCRC members and allies are on the front lines of work for economic justice across the nation, and many have responded and participated in Black Lives Matter protests. Here’s some of what they’ve seen and shared. [Read more]

Field Notes

Police Brutality Is Not Just A Criminal Justice Issue, But A Public Health Issue Too
By addressing the underlying sources of police brutality through structural change, governments and communities can prevent further acts of brutality and improve the overall health of the public. [Read more]

We Are Grieving, And Ready For Our Continued Pursuit Of Justice
NCRC member organization Hope Policy Institute reminds us that our work towards economic justice is inextricably connected with the long history of the civil rights movement’s pursuit of racial justice. [Read more]

Nursing Home Residents, Workers Face Disproportionately High Rates Of COVID-19 Deaths
To ensure the health, safety and financial security of nursing home workers, long-term care facilities and governments must implement policies to increase hazard pay and paid leave so that they are adequately compensated for their essential work. [Read more]


Resources To Help Support The Black Lives Matter Movement
If you are interested in supporting Black Lives Matter, these resources may be helpful for you. [Read more]

NCRC COVID-19 Resource Page
We've compiled and are updating an index of COVID-19 resources for communities, small businesses, individuals and organizations that serve them, such as housing counseling agencies. [Read more]


Developing Effective Communication Skills-Part I: Strategies For Effective Communication
June 15, 2-3:30 pm ET
Join NCRC's Training Academy for a discussion on the types of communication and barriers to effective communication. [Register now]

Financial Triage During Challenging Times Series - Part III: Prioritizing Long Term Financial Stability
June 16, 2-3:30 pm ET
Join NCRC's Training Academy to learn prioritization as a strategy to assist your clients in developing a clear, concise and realistic action plan. [Register now]

Virtual Homebuyer Education 101 – Part III: Converting Class Attendees To Homeowners
June 17, 2-3:30 pm ET
Join NCRC's Training Academy to learn how to capture the attention of your audience through your presentation and introduce them to the housing counseling industry. [Register now]

LGBTQ+ Life After COVID-19? Assessing Risk, Response and Recovery
June 18, 1-2:30 pm ET
Join NCRC for a discussion covering a broad range of subjects related to the LGBTQ+ community, and what measures can be taken to help the community recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. [Register now]

In the News

Underlying America's Unrest Is Structural Racism
As the National Community Reinvestment Coalition reported in 2018, most of the neighborhoods (74%) that the federal government redlined eight decades earlier are low- to moderate-income communities today. [The Hill]

16 Black LGBTQ Small Businesses To Support Right Now
The racial injustice Black Americans face goes beyond physical violence. NCRC's report found that Black business owners are treated inferior at banks. Here are 16 Black LGBTQ small businesses you can support. [Bustle]

COVID-19 Translated Racial Inequality in America into Numbers
study by the National Community Reinvestment Coalition from 2018 illustrates how areas redlined by the HOLC in the mid-to-late 1930s are much more likely today than other areas to comprise lower-income, minority residents. [Medium]

First State Community Action Agency Receives Grant from Wells Fargo Foundation
In addition to First State Community Action Agency, other Wells Fargo Foundation COVID-19 Housing Counseling Support grantees include: Enterprise Community Partners, Housing Partnership Network, National Community Reinvestment Coalition and 11 other organizations. [CapeGazette]

On Our Radar

Black community braces for next threat: Mass evictions
A federal moratorium on evictions — which only applies to the 1 in 4 rental units that are backed by the government — expires in a matter of weeks. [Politico]

Warren Urges Bank Regulator To Scrap Anti-redlining Rule Rewrite
In a letter to acting Comptroller of the Currency Brian Brooks released Tuesday, the senator called on the agency to withdraw new rules for banks to follow under the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA), a 1977 law intended to ensure that banks lend to and serve low-income and majority-minority areas. [The Hill]

Why The U.S. Needs To Do Reparations Now
In her 2017 book, “The Color of Money,” Mehrsa Baradaran lays out how, over centuries, policymakers wrote Black Americans out of the economic system — and how policies blocking Black people from obtaining mortgages, land and credit created an immense wealth gap between Black and White Americans that persists to this day. In her book, Baradaran says that after slavery was abolished, Black Americans held just .5% of all the wealth in the U.S. Today, the number is barely higher, at about 1%. [HuffPost]

There’s A Glaring, Misleading Error In The May Jobs Report: US May Be At 20% Unemployment
The Labor Department acknowledged that for the last two months, it was aware of this issue, but didn’t widely report it or make the necessary adjustments. The big question is whether or not this was purposely done or a typical government blunder. [Forbes]
#AfterThis: A Virtual Hug
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