Dear John

Here's your weekly update from Church Action on Poverty. As usual, we have stories of how people are staying connected during lockdown and resources to help you do the same.

Gather with us: Tuesday 16 June, 2pm

Join our 60-minute virtual gathering at 2pm on Tuesday 9 June. We use Zoom - you can connect using a computer or smartphone, or you can dial 0131 460 1196 on a normal phone and use the meeting ID: 193 697 232.

This week (9 June), we  looked beyond the UK and talked about how we can stand in solidarity with people around the world, and what we can learn from approaches to tackling poverty in other countries.

See the report from the 9 June gathering

Next time we will be talking about campaigning and what Church Action on Poverty should be focussing on. If you have ideas you would like to share, or just want to be part of the conversation, please do join us. Click below to join us on Zoom:

Gather with us on Zoom




Church on the Margins: Reflecting together -  Whom are we serving in our services?

A report from our 28 May online discussions on what it means to be church on the margins during the pandemic.

Read the report here.

New wine, new wineskins: theological reflection on ‘building back better’

On 3 June, we gathered theologians, writers and ministers to reflect together on what the church's role should be in 'building back better' after the pandemic.

Find out more here.

Viral Song

Church Action on Poverty supporter Nick Jowett has written a hymn for the pandemic.

Find the lyrics here.

We'll be in touch again next week - and we hope we'll see you at our gathering on the margins. In the meantime, stay safe and stay connected.

Best wishes

Felicity Guite
Church Action on Poverty