Signs good in Montana for GOP keeping control of SenateThe Washington Times

Urgent: The GOP is flooding our state with millions of dark money dollars to keep their grip on Mitch McConnell’s Senate majority. We cannot let Republicans get away with buying this election out from under us.

Montana is not for sale. We can defeat the GOP. In fact, we’ve done it before.

Jon knows what it takes to win here in Montana and you can bet dollars to doughnuts he’ll do whatever it takes to make sure other Democrats win in tough races — not just here, but across the country.

Together, we’ve raised thousands of dollars to help Democrats compete against the GOP attack machine in key Senate races — but it won’t amount to a hill of beans if we can’t muster the resources to keep Montana out of the GOP’s grasp.

Chip in $10 or more right now to help us reach our mid-month goal, end Mitch McConnell’s Senate majority, and take back our government:

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Jon is fighting as hard as he can to get our government back from McConnell’s death grip. But he needs your help.

Your donation today would give our team the necessary resources to ensure Democrats are in a strong position to flip the Senate.

— Team Tester