Did you hear what President Trump said just last month, John?

"We want to terminate health care under Obamacare."

In the midst of a pandemic, Trump has renewed his efforts to dismantle our health care by urging the Supreme Court to overturn the Affordable Care Act. If Trump gets his way, millions of Americans will be left without health care at a time when it's needed more than ever.

To make matters worse, Trump and Congressional Republicans have still offered no plans to replace the ACA or to protect coverage for the millions like me, living with pre-existing conditions. This is dangerous and unacceptable.

Add your name to join me in calling on Trump and the GOP to drop their partisan lawsuit against the ACA.

As a doctor and congresswoman, I know just how important access to affordable health care is -- especially during a pandemic. Consider the number of people losing their employer-provided insurance because they have lost their jobs. My Democratic colleagues and I have worked tirelessly in Congress to lower the cost of prescription drugs, expand access to affordable health care, and ensure everyone has access to the testing and care they need during this crisis.

But right now, we risk losing all the progress we've made.

Now more than ever, we can't allow Trump and the GOP to play politics with people's health. I'll always stand up and fight back against any attacks on our health care, but I need to know you're with me in this important fight.

Join me in calling on Trump and the GOP to protect our health care by dropping their partisan lawsuit.

Thank you,


Paid for by Dr. Kim Schrier for Congress

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