NhRP Interview Series recordings enclosed.

Dear John,

Thank you to everyone who tuned in to our Interview Series, asked our guests insightful questions, and shared our recordings!

From the importance of animal advocates refusing to ally themselves with the carceral state (Justin Marceau) to the oppression made possible by “animalizing” others (Letitia Meynell) to the resilience of human and nonhuman beings who have experienced trauma (Debbie Ethell) to the role science plays in the fight for nonhuman rights (Lori Marino), this series aims to get to the heart of what it means to fight for a world where human and nonhuman rights are respected.

All four interviews can be found in this YouTube playlist.

We’re planning more seminars for the coming months, so if there’s a topic or guest you’d like to suggest or any feedback you’d like to provide, please let us know.

Thank you again and stay tuned!

Mickey Suzuki
Development Director, the NhRP

Working for the recognition and protection of fundamental rights for nonhuman animals.

The Nonhuman Rights Project
5195 NW 112th Terrace
Coral Springs, FL 33076
United States

[email protected]

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