Connecticut nail salon owner fights for fair treatment under COVID-19 shutdown orders

In early March, Luis Ramirez closed his Hartford, Connecticut, nail salon, following Governor Ned Lamont’s executive orders for statewide shutdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Struggling to earn income and pay rent on their salon, Luis and his wife, Rosiris, thought they’d be able to reopen on May 20, only to learn the state, under the unlawful authority of the governor, inexplicably pushed back nail salons’ reopening to June 17—or later—despite allowing hair salons to open on June 1.

Represented by PLF free of charge, Luis and his business are challenging the governor’s power grab and unfair treatment.

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Why PLF is suing: Governments can’t use COVID-19 as an excuse for arbitrary and unconstitutional policies

As the country has struggled to flatten the curve of infections, PLF’s primary strategy has been challenging laws that create shortages of medical services or impede the innovation and production necessary to rebuild our economy.

But as the shutdown orders have continued and been extended, we have seen government officials apply lockdown orders or implement “reopening” plans in unfair and unconstitutional ways. Larry Salzman explains that PLF filed our latest case because, even when responding to a pandemic, government must respect constitutional rights and the rule of law.

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Qualified immunity is a blank check for government overreach

In addition to multitudes of protests and discussions, the killing of George Floyd has also sparked debate over a legal doctrine called “qualified immunity.”

Mark Miller explains how, for decades, qualified immunity has enabled government officers ranging from irresponsible tax collectors to violent police officers to violate people’s rights, many times with little to no consequence. Coincidentally, the Supreme Court is considering multiple cases that—if taken—have the power to reform qualified immunity or end it entirely.

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