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Assimilation and Authenticity: Being Black+ in Philanthropy

Grants associate Darius Soler speaks from the heart about the loneliness of being Black, gay, and gender non-binary – and lessons we can all use to help co-create an inclusive culture in philanthropy that makes everyone feel better heard, understood, and appreciated.



Community Conversation | Racial Equity in Grantmaking Practice

As we have collectively watched the murder of George Floyd by police and the resulting uprising, we see that many communities are grappling with the ways in which white supremacy and systemic racism have shaped the world we live in.

On June 17, we invite members to join us for an open forum to process and share how we can support and care for ourselves, our peers, our grantee partners, and our communities in this moment.



Funders are changing their approaches in response to COVID-19. What’s going to stick?

On June 24, join PEAK and Exponent Philanthropy to hear what we have each learned from member surveys about adjustments in grantmaking practices, and which changes are likely to continue.


Join this week’s trending conversations:

Help a colleague out by sharing your advice: Not yet in CONNECT?


June 17 | Virtual
Community Conversation | Racial Equity in Grantmaking Practice

June 17 | Virtual
Trauma-Informed Practice In Action – Case Studies Across Sectors

June 23 | Virtual
Membership Coffee Hour (PEAK Northeast)

June 24 | Virtual
Funders are changing their approaches in response to COVID-19. What’s going to stick?

June 25 | Virtual
Trust and Transparency Through an Agile Mindset

June 30 | Virtual
Virtual Panel: How COVID-19 Will Forever Change Grantmaking


Weekly Reads

"[W]e can do our part to change the course of this country’s future by funding Black-led organizations right now. This means making more grants to people who are literally defending the ideals of our democracy with their bodies. We can and must support them now. A flood of grants to these groups from individual donors, corporations, and foundations will send a signal that no matter how uncomfortable it might make our boards feel, we stand beside the people our foundations were created to help." [more]
– Crystal Haling, The Libra Foundation

“The structure of much of our grant making is designed to protect institutions in perpetuity by hoarding money that could be put to use right here, right now. Until we see past our own comfort and agree to give over resources and the power that goes with them, we are collaborators in systemic racism.” [more]
– Lori Bezahler, Edward W. Hazen Foundation, in The Chronicle of Philanthropy

“[I]f we all take a critical look to question whether each of our actions and decisions are helping to reduce racial inequities, not sustain or deepen them, it can add up to deeper change.” [more]
– David Biemesderfer, United Philanthropy Forum

“Philanthropists must become advocates and use our privilege, power, and connections to enact fair policies that advance needed structural changes and dismantle generations of discrimination and racism.” [more]
– Fred Blackwell, San Francisco Foundation

“The work ahead of us is to be as useful as we can be in the moment, recognizing that things are not returning to normal, nor should they. It is our job to move massive resources quickly and easily to facilitate change, to recognize new leadership, and to listen more humbly and deeply to where the answers lie.” [more]
– Lisa Pilar Cowan, Robert Sterling Clark Foundation, in The Chronicle of Philanthropy

"The insidiousness of white supremacy & anti-Blackness will continue to permeate in philanthropy until we acknowledge how our institutions & our field have perpetuated these systems of oppression & actively work to dismantle them within our own practices." [more]
– Justice Funders

PEAK Grantmaking
1666 K St NW Ste 440
Washington, DC 20006-1242

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