Dear John,
This has been an exceptionally difficult time for vulnerable children. The devastating combination of crises facing our communities has made the simple-seeming job of making sure kids get to eat every day more complex — and more difficult than ever.
With you at our side though, No Kid Hungry is rising to the challenge. Thanks to your generosity we’re supporting emergency food efforts in all 50 states.
Each community you help to serve is a portrait of grief, hardship, but also of hope. Here’s just one story from our New York director, Rachel Sabella.
Last week Rachel visited a meal distribution site that we’re helping to support in a diverse low-income community on Long Island. While there, she joined the community's 'socially distant' high school graduation ceremony.
"I saw young people arriving in cars decorated with balloons and walking into the building with caps and gowns,” she said. “After they received their diplomas, many graduates then drove their car into the food line to take meals and a food package home to the rest of their families. For every graduate that drove up, our small team would cheer and give the family an extra item, whether it was a second gallon of milk or package of strawberries."
"Between their parents and our team,” Rachel went on, “There was never a dry eye."
Childhood hunger and systemic racism are deeply intertwined. Hunger is both a symptom of poverty and inequality and it’s also a driver of it. Ending childhood hunger will play an important role in healing and strengthening our communities. We have important work to do and I am so very grateful for your generosity and support.
Thank you so much for all you’ve done for the most vulnerable children and families. To a child who ate today because of your compassion, you are truly a hero.
Please stay well.

Tom Nelson President and CEO Share Our Strength