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National Secular Society

Challenging Religious Privilege


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Your daily media briefing - Friday 12 June


In the Media is our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, available delivered to your inbox. You can also read the latest news and opinion and listen to our podcasts on our website.


Secularism in the media


No communal worship in England before 4th July, says faith minister

Faith Minister Stephen Greenhalgh said communal prayer could take place from 4th July at the earliest.

The Catholic Universe


US State Department rebukes China as one of the worst abusers of religious freedom

A State Department has official singled out China as one of the world's worst offenders of religious freedom, saying it backslid the most last year as thousands more people of faith were subjected to imprisonment and forced labour.

The Washington Post


India denies visas to US panel on religious freedom

India has turned down a travel request for members of a U.S. government panel seeking to review its religious freedom, saying such foreign agencies had no standing to assess the constitutional rights of citizens.



Ohio Senate unanimously passes student religious expression bill

Despite concerns about separation of church and state, the Ohio Senate passed a bill that would allow public school students to pray, attend religious clubs and "See You at the Pole" gatherings, distribute religious material, wear religious clothing and turn in work expressing their faith beliefs.


"Finally" say activists as Swiss same-sex marriage bill advances

Switzerland's lower house of parliament approved draft legislation on Thursday to let same-sex couples marry in a country that has lagged other parts of western Europe in gay rights.



Norway mosque attacker gets 21-year sentence

Philip Manshaus admitted to killing his stepsister and storming a mosque near Oslo last year, saying he was inspired by other far-right attacks.

The New York Times


'Malta's abortion taboo leaves women in despair'

Border closures have trapped women seeking safe terminations and exposed the plight of those who cannot afford to travel.

The Guardian


Outrage as Guatemalan Maya spiritual guide is tortured and burned alive

Police in Guatemala have arrested two men and two women on suspicion of murder after a respected indigenous Maya spiritual guide was tortured, doused in gasoline and burned to death after being accused of witchcraft.

The Guardian


The Family: 'Raised in a doomsday cult, I entered the real world at 15'

For the first 15 years of his life, Ben Shenton lived in a doomsday cult that thought the world would soon end. Instead the police arrived one day and plunged him into a new and unfamiliar world: the real one.



Latest from the NSS


Outdoor marriage shouldn't be restricted on religious grounds

The government is reportedly planning to allow couples to marry outdoors as we emerge from lockdown. This is a chance to make marriage more equal and free for all permanently, says Megan Manson.


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