Dear John,
Greta Thunberg is inviting you to strike with her.
That’s right. The Swedish student activist and founder of the viral “School Strike for Climate” movement is inviting everyone in the world — young, old, and every age in between — to strike on Friday, September 20.
Join us on September 20 at the #ClimateStrike closest to where you live.
The world will be watching. It’s three days before the United Nations will hold a climate summit in New York City. This moment is a unique opportunity to create a roaring upswell of public support for the ambitious climate solutions we need at all levels of government worldwide.
The youth have been leading the way and demanding bolder action, and now it’s time for everyone else to back them up. People everywhere will walk out of their schools and workplaces to join young strikers in the streets. It will be one of the most massive climate mobilizations in US history.
We will be calling on our leaders in Washington, D.C. to move away from fossil fuels in a just transition to 100% clean energy as soon as possible.
Sign up today to join the #ClimateStrike nearest you. Or, host your own!
The climate crisis is the largest threat of our time. But climate breakdown isn’t inevitable. We know the solutions we need, and together, we have the power to make them happen. We’re going on #ClimateStrike to show them what people power is capable of.
After you RSVP, I’d love to hear from you. What do you fear most about a warming world? What makes your heart hurt? Most importantly, why do you want to act? Fill out this form to let us know your thoughts.
Regardless, I hope you deeply consider this question. I hope you take a moment to think about what matters most to you.
We, as a global society, have a decision to make. Are we going to let those with money and power choose our future or are we going to demand that they act to solve this crisis by choosing to stand up here and now?
This strike is an invitation to choose us. Choose the kids. Choose humanity. Choose the future.
Sign up today.
Mike Tidwell
Executive Director
Chesapeake Climate Action Network
Have you heard of our advocacy arm, CCAN Action Fund? CCAN Action Fund aims to create change in public policy through voter education, lobbying, and participation in the electoral process. Like CCAN Action Fund on Facebook to stay in the loop:
