Thursday, June 11, 2020
To: Friends & Supporters
From: Gary Bauer
The BLM Agenda
George Floyd's murder seared the nation's conscience and provoked a needed discussion about excessive force in law enforcement. We are all united against police brutality. Corporate America and Hollywood celebrities were quick to proclaim "black lives matter." We all agree with that.
But what about "Black Lives Matter, Inc."? It is revealing how little interest the media have in the organizations that lead the Black Lives Matter movement. As a result, the organizations are receiving tremendous support from corporate America and many young Christians.
It is time for a serious reality check.
While these groups masquerade as civil rights organizations, they are extremely radical. They despise Western Civilization. They are anti-Israel, and want to see the world realigned away from America. Their manifestos emphasize issues far from the goal of racial reconciliation.
For example, M4BL declares on its website:
- We believe that prisons, police and all other institutions that inflict violence on Black people must be abolished.
- The current systems we live inside of need to be radically transformed, which includes a realignment of global power.
We are anti-capitalist: We believe and understand that Black people will never achieve liberation under the current global racialized capitalist system.
It is striking how much of the agenda is devoted to attacking the nuclear family, the bedrock of civil society, and heterosexuality. Here are some statements from the BLM site:
- We are self-reflexive and do the work required to dismantle cisgender (heterosexual) privilege and uplift Black trans folk. . .
We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement. . .
We foster a queer‐affirming network. When we gather, we do so with the intention of freeing ourselves from the tight grip of heteronormative thinking. . .
I doubt this is popular in the black community. But I want to focus on the second point.
The insanity of a group purporting to care about black America having the goal of "disrupting the nuclear family," meaning children having mothers and fathers, should be evident.
The breakdown of the black family is perhaps the biggest impediment to social progress. Low-income, single parent families are very hard to lift out of poverty for one very obvious reason: There's one less potential breadwinner.
And every study I am aware of shows that boys raised without fathers have higher rates of delinquency, drug use, educational failure, and other social ills.
Yes, I know single moms often do a heroic job with their children. I know two-parent households that have had significant problems. But when it comes to public policy, you look at the big picture, not the exceptions.
There is no doubt that children do best when raised in homes with mothers and fathers.
But one of the great tragedies of recent decades is that this fundamental fact about fatherless homes has been largely off the table when it comes to closing the gaps between black and white Americans.
While black lives absolutely matter, the BLM movement is a dangerous fringe group. And you don't have to take my word for it.
In 2015, Troy Perry, a top black diversity official in the Democrat Party, warned Democrat candidates that Black Lives Matter was a "radical movement." Perry added that Democrat candidates should listen to the concerns of BLM activists, but he stressed "don't offer support for concrete policy positions."
If Barack Obama's Democrat Party thought Black Lives Matter was a "radical movement," that's all you need to know.
BLM vs. Black Lives Matter
"Black lives matter" is a sentiment that all decent people can embrace. Sadly, when someone says, "All lives matter," that's now considered racist, as if Asian lives or Hispanic lives don't matter.
But those who claim that black lives matter seem curiously unconcerned when a black police officer is killed. They are silent about the carnage that regularly occurs in the streets of Chicago.
They have little to say about the hundreds of thousands of black babies aborted by Planned Parenthood, which targets minority communities. Planned Parenthood has killed more black babies than the KKK could ever have dreamed of.
All that aside, it is important to explain to your children and grandchildren that while we must ensure that all Americans have equal opportunity, that does not mean we must support an organization like BLM, which has a very radical agenda that I believe Martin Luther King, Jr., would have denounced.
What About Reparations?
Of course, both the BLM and M4BL groups support reparations. And the issue made news again when Robert Johnson, founder of Black Entertainment Television, promoted the idea of $350,000 for every black American, totaling $14 trillion in reparations.
Most Americans are overwhelmingly opposed to reparations. Only 29% of Americans support the idea. And it's really hard to start a conversation when your opening bid is $14 trillion!
Leaving The USA
Yesterday we told you that Antifa and other left-wing separatists had seized an abandoned police station and several blocks of downtown Seattle.
Once they seized the police station, guess what they did next? They established a border! They set up barriers securing their territory. A makeshift sign reads, "You are now leaving the U.S.A."
What is their agenda? Of course, they want the police abolished. They want all convicted minority felons currently in prison to get a new trial. They want the courts and prisons abolished too. And they want to reinstitute segregation so that only black doctors can treat black patients.
So far, the progressive mayor of Seattle and Washington Governor Jay Inslee have done nothing to restore law and reclaim the police station. When the governor was asked about this fiasco at a press conference yesterday, he appeared clueless.
If Inslee really doesn't know that a radical group has taken control of part of the biggest city in his state, he should resign immediately.
Seattle had this coming. It's one of those "sanctuary cities" that has declared itself independent from the immigration laws of this country. Well, now leftist revolutionaries are declaring themselves a sanctuary of sorts, independent from Seattle and the state of Washington.
But let me state the obvious: If this were a group of armed men associated with the political right, it would be the lead story on every network news channel . The calls in Congress for immediate action by the president would be deafening.
Last night, President Trump tweeted to the mayor of Seattle and the governor of Washington state: "Take back your city NOW. If you don't do it, I will. This is not a game. These ugly Anarchists must be stopped IMMEDIATELY. MOVE FAST!"
The president is absolutely right. This is not a joke. We've seen over and over again that whatever is being done by progressives on the Left Coast eventually comes to a city near you. How long before leftists seize parts of Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Miami or New York City?