
I’m doing everything I can to help my friend, Reverend Raphael Warnock overcome blatant voter suppression to win his competitive U.S. Senate race in Georgia.

I know Rev. Warnock will be a great Senator for Georgia. He’s a lifelong civil rights leader who went from public housing to serving as the senior pastor at the former church of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Please read his personal message below, then consider splitting an urgent donation between his campaign and our work to take back the Senate.

----------original message from Reverend Raphael Warnock----------

Friends — Tuesday in Georgia, we witnessed an assault on the soul of our democracy.

Primary election voters across the state were forced to wait in line for hours — in some cases only to be turned away because of faulty machines or too few ballots. Precincts with high concentrations of Black and Democratic voters seemed to be among the hardest hit.

I saw the lines firsthand. Everywhere I went, the story seemed the same: long lines, unusable machines, miscommunication and confusion.

The history of voter suppression here in Georgia and across the South runs deep. Generations of civil rights leaders, like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Rep. John Lewis, have fought tooth and nail to expand voting rights and make the promise of our democracy real for everyone — and I'm proud to fight alongside a new generation of leaders like Stacey Abrams to continue this righteous struggle.

What Tuesday's primary elections made clear is this: To win this toss-up Senate race and overcome GOP voter suppression, we're going to have to work twice as hard, organize twice as boldly, and build an operation twice as smart and effective as our opponents.

That's the kind of campaign we're building, but Tuesday's elections are a reminder that we'll need unprecedented resources to do it. That's why I'm personally asking:

Friends, I'm counting on you to join us with an urgent donation now. Please, will you split a donation to help us get out EVERY vote, flip Georgia blue and restore real leadership to our government?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thank you for your support,

Rev. Warnock