Hey there,

My team is doing everything we can to build a campaign you can be proud of. So before we go over our priorities and strategy for the next phase of this race, it’s important to me that I hear directly from you.

While Cory Gardner is too busy being Donald Trump’s favorite yes-man to stick up for the people of our state, my top priority is fighting for you and your interests in Washington.

I wish I could sit down and grab a coffee (or a cold beer) with each and every one of you, but the next-best way for me to know what’s on your mind is through my quick priorities survey.

Will you take a few moments (two, tops) to complete this short survey and let me know what issues matter most to you right now? It’s important.

Take our survey

Our campaign is in the lead right now because we’ve built a strong, diverse coalition of folks from every corner of the state to meet difficult challenges head-on and bring the change Colorado deserves.

That’s why we simply cannot win without you, and your answers to my June survey are a big part of that.

Thank you,
