A major part of our mission here at The United West (TUW) is to expose and eradicate Anti-Semitism throughout the United States and around world.
Whether it is the rise of Anti-Semitism among Socialist Democrats in Congress and efforts by some to end our nation’s support of Israel to opposing boycotts against Jewish businesses and condemning terrorist attacks on Synagogues around the world, TUW stands front and center in the defense of Jewish peoples everywhere.
This is why I am writing you today.
Nowhere is Anti-Semitism more pernicious – more damaging – than in the field of journalism. As a friend once told me, journalism is history one day at a time.
So when an “important news organization” like CNN hires virulent “out of the closet” Anti-Semites to gather and report “the news,” it is critically important that we point them out and abolish their influence.
Recently, CNN accepted the “resignation” of Mohammed Elshamy – a 25-year-old former photojournalist with the Turkish Anadolu news agency.
It turns out that Elshamy, who began working as a photo editor at CNN’s headquarters in Atlanta earlier this year, had a history of posting poisonous anti-Semitic tweets against Israel in general and the Jewish people in particular.
In one tweet, Elshamy reportedly celebrating the deaths of “Jewish pigs” and in 2011 referred to “Zionist pigs” while praising a Palestinian terror attack.
A statement released by CNN read, in part:
“The network has accepted the resignation of a photo editor, who joined CNN earlier this year, after anti-Semitic statements he’d made in 2011 came to light.
CNN is committed to maintaining a workplace in which every employee feels safe, secure, and free from discrimination regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation or religion.”
If CNN really cared about this “policy position” why didn’t this so-called “news organization” conduct a background check on Elshamy before they hired him.
If they didn’t, that is negligent at best. If they did and hired him anyway, that’s worse.
It is important to note what CNN didn’t do when they fired Elshamy.
CNN didn’t publish their statement about firing him on their website… didn’t name the editor who posted the tweet… and didn’t mention the deadly terrorist attack on innocent Jewish civilians that Elshamy celebrated.
The Daily Mail’s Jordan Schachtel, who researched the details of Elshamy’s hate-laced twitter rant, wrote back saying:
“(Elshamy) “celebrated” a 3/23/11 terror attack at a Jerusalem bus stop…” “The bombing killed a Christian woman who was studying in Israel & severely injured a 14-year-old Israeli girl who would succumb to her wounds 6 yrs later. The attack injured 39 more.”
I decided to share this story with you because you probably didn’t see or hear anything about it in the “Establishment News” media.
And if it weren’t for you, TUW would not have been around to research or expose this story that CNN allowed to happen and tried to hide.
So TUW can continue fighting against Anti-Semitism and expose Anti-Semites like Elshamy. I hope you will take a moment to support TUW with a donation of $25, $50, $75, $100 or more today.
To educate Americans about the “Real News” – news that the leftist controlled “Establishment News Media” simply ignores – we need your help.
Thank you in advance for helping TUW with your gift today so we can continue to accomplish our ongoing mission to support freedom in the name of truth for months and years to come.
Tom Trento Director The United West
P.S. Please remember, CNN hoped to ride out this storm over Mohammed Elshamy and his vicious anti-Semitic tweets praising terrorism against Jews and the murder of “less than human Zionist Pigs.”
CNN quietly issued a statement that they didn’t publish on their website… that didn’t include the name of the editor who posted the tweets… and didn’t mention the terrorist attack that killed two – including a 6-year old girl – and injured 39 others – some critically.
The best way to keep TUW in the business of reporting news like this that the “Establishment News Media” wants to keep from our supporters like you, is if you help TUW with a gift of $25, $50, $75, $100 or more today. Thanks again.
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