Kia ora Friend --
Countdown Conversations – Week 14
Kia ora
Ko te hau o te aroha te rere atu nā ki hō koutou kāinga maha me te tangi tonu ki ngā mate i te wā iti nei. Tahia te pō, tū mai te ao!
What a week!
The government have finally seen the light with the Armed Response Team trial and it’s not going ahead. As president, I challenged the government at Rātana in January this year and the silence was deafening…
We have also been informed of our Television and Broadcasting allocation funding. Though it is an increase, the two big parties receive over $2m together and we receive $145k. This isn’t fair and a number of the minor parties have jointly challenged the system in a press release shared in the Spinoff <[link removed]> yesterday.
Te Whakamāunu Waka – Campaign Launch - Saturday 20 June, 10:00am
We are inviting you to our Party Campaign Launch on Saturday 20 June at Hoani Waititi Marae <[link removed]>, 451 West Coast Road, Oratia, West Auckland 0602.
This is our chance to celebrate and invigorate ourselves as we prepare for the biggest campaign since we established the Party. We need your tautoko and presence at the campaign launch so please RSVP to Rose (reply to this email) so we cater properly and celebrate our first big hui since the rāhui started.
We will be launching our campaign and key messaging and the first of our major policies and if you haven’t noticed already, we are a liberated and free voice that can challenge the large numbers who have been silenced during this term of government.
Now that we have our Campaign in this date, we will now move our National Council hui to zoom, the following week and details will e sent to your representatives.
E 14 wiki e toe ana – 14 weeks to go
The clock keeps ticking and our billboards are getting printed. The regulated period starts this month so we will be erecting our billboards around the country.
We need help so please contact the candidates to see whether you can help put up billboards or you have a strategic property that will help with good coverage to promote our candidates and the party.
We also need money. We have seen the bias where National and Labour get over $2m to fight this election and we get given crumbs so we ask that members and your friends donate <[link removed]> to the party to help build up our pūtea to win seats and return back to Parliament come 19 September.
We are the free Māori voice. We are a liberated Māori voice that won’t be silenced so please donate $5 or $25 or $50 or more, click here <[link removed]> to help us return back to Parliament.
We look forward to seeing you in person next week at the launch.
Che Wilson
Māori Party
<[link removed]>[link removed]
Māori Party - PO Box 12028, Rotorua 3045, New Zealand
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