By Mark Gruenberg

BEAVER COUNTY, Pa.—If this happened during a union organizing drive, you’d call it a “h-u-uge” “captive audience” meeting.
Instead, it was an official presidential speech which GOP Oval Office occupant Donald Trump turned into a campaign-style event on August 13 at an under-construction Shell natural gas plant in Monaca, Pa., in Beaver County north of Pittsburgh.
And a Shell subcontractor ordered the workers to show up there or don’t get paid. Not only that, but they had to be in line at 7 a.m., have their ID cards scanned and then wait for hours – through lunchtime but with no lunch break – for Trump to talk. “No scan, no pay,” was the memo’s message.
Sounds like a captive audience meeting to us, complete with retribution threat. So 5,000 did so and became props for a presidential campaign extravaganza.
The memo from the subcontractor on the plant site, obtained by the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette and CNN, said in part: “Your attendance is not mandatory. This will be considered an excused absence. However, those who are NOT in attendance will not receive overtime pay.”
If the workers wanted to get paid – straight time only – they had to put in for a paid off day ahead of time, Shell said...
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