States have had to spend significantly more than they budgeted to deal with COVID-19, and they’re losing major revenue because of this unexpected tough economic situation. Add your name here to demand that Mitch McConnell stop threatening states with bankruptcy and start taking steps to ensure they can fully fund the essential services the American people deserve during this time of crisis. ----Begin Forwarded Message---- COVID-19 has devastated state budgets by driving up unexpected spending to keep people safe, causing significant losses of revenue, endangering jobs, and severely damaging local economies. That means many states are facing budget shortfalls that could force them to reduce funding for hospitals and essential workers like teachers, firefighters, emergency responders, paramedics, nurses, and others. Instead of working with Democrats to fix this crisis by increasing federal funding for states, Mitch McConnell said that states should just go bankrupt. Add your name here to demand that Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans stop playing games with people’s lives and provide funding to keep state budgets solvent! Republicans have decided it’s OK to let Americans suffer without essential services just because state budgets were overwhelmed by unexpected pandemic spending. That's completely unacceptable. In this moment of crisis, we need to step up and help each other to get through it. Sign here to demand that Republicans take immediate action to provide relief to states! We’re in this together, Debbie