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June 11, 2020: Twenty-two percent (22%) of registered voters don't think it matters much whether Donald Trump or Joe Biden wins the presidential election in November. A Scott Rasmussen national survey found that total includes 11% who say it won't make any real difference in their life and 11% who aren't sure if it will make a difference.[1]

On top of that, another 17% say it will make only a minor difference.[1]

That leaves 62% of voters who believe the outcome of the election will make a major difference in their life.

Seventy-two percent (72%) of Trump voters say it will make a major difference along with 68% of Biden voters.[1]

However, among those who say they'd vote for some other candidate, 53% don't think it will make a difference and another 20% say it would make just a minor difference.[1]

As for undecided voters, 74% say it won't make a difference in their lives and another 15% expect only a minor difference.[1]

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Scott Rasmussen is an editor-at-large for Ballotpedia, the Encyclopedia of American Politics. He is a senior fellow for the study of self-governance at the King’s College in New York. His most recent book, Politics Has Failed: America Will Not, was published by the Sutherland Institute in August 2018.

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