Dear John --

In politics, there is no time more critical than election year.

With 100 days to go till Election Day, we need your support to deliver a strong National campaign.

Together, Kiwis made a huge sacrifice to get through the immediate COVID-19 health crisis. We now face a new set of challenges.

New Zealand is experiencing the biggest economic crisis since the end of World War II.  With a deep recession and budget deficits looming, we need to turn our focus to National’s plan to save jobs and re-build our economy.

Only National has the team who can provide the leadership and confidence New Zealand needs to re-build our community, re-build our economy and restore the livelihoods of New Zealanders.

We will save jobs, back our small businesses and get the economy - your economy – growing again.

John, that is why it’s vital that we run our strongest campaign ever. Every voter needs to hear National’s plans for New Zealand, and we can only do that with a well-resourced campaign.

We need to reach as many voters as possible, and we can’t do it without your support.

Will you help us by donating today?

Never in our history have voters had such an important decision to make for the future of our country. Only National has the team, the track record, the plan, and the experience to deliver the kind of results Kiwis will need in these difficult times.

The President’s Appeal is a once a year opportunity to help directly fund our campaign efforts, both on-line and on the ground. Your personal support will ensure the strength of our campaign is unmatched.

We’re going to give it everything we’ve got, and I hope we can count on your support.

Kind regards,



Peter Goodfellow
National Party President


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