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An ill man who did not want to live with a stoma has died after a judged ruled life-support treatment could end. Christian Concern had called for a review of
the High Court decision to allow him to die.
Relaxing of lockdown for places of worship only helps Christians, prominent Muslims and Jews have said, claiming that the new rules bring more challenges
than they solve.
Human rights campaigners have called on Saudi Arabia to release blogger Mohamad al-Bokari, who was detained after stating his support for LGBT+ rights.
A 20-year old Dalit man was allegedly chased and beaten to death in Pimple Saudagar suburb of Pune, reportedly over an inter-caste relationship with a woman
belonging to an "upper caste".
Tanzania's president is claiming the country is free of the coronavirus because of the power of prayer, six weeks after his government stopped publicly
updating virus data.
An atheist was jailed for an additional five months for refusing to live in a Christian homeless shelter requiring residents to study the Bible and attend
worship services.
Cindy had been forced to give up a high-powered corporate career at age 35 and struggled for decades with a handful of painful diseases. When it finally
became clear that no drug could relieve her intense suffering, she chose voluntary assisted death, a procedure that's not legal in her home state.
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