Fellow conservative,

There’s an article that ran in this week’s U.S. News & World Report that should be a major wake-up call for conservatives in Texas.

This is after a poll came out last week that showed Joe Biden and President Trump within one percentage point of each other.

If it wasn't clear before, it should be now. The Democrats are gunning for Texas.

You’ve heard me saying for months how Nancy Pelosi has Texas, specifically us here in TX-21, right in her crosshairs as a target to flip blue. Now the Biden campaign is turning the heat on too.

I don’t have to tell you how important it is that we hold Texas for President Trump. Texans are who he depends on to hold the line in an election.

But now the media has labeled Texas a toss-up state. It’s time for all hands on deck.

I need you to donate whatever you can today so we can hold Texas for President Trump and keep this seat red in the House. The only way for us to take back the House in November is by holding on to seats like this one.

>>> Donate $25

>>> Donate $50

>>> Donate $100

>>> Donate $250

>>> Donate $500

We no longer have the luxury of assuming that Texas is a safe red state.

Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden are pouring all of their resources in to Texas. The only way we’re going to hold it is to fight fire with fire.

Will you chip in anything you can to help us make sure that Texas remains Trump Country?

I'm proud to be your Congressman.

For Texas,

Chip Roy
U.S. Congressman, TX-21

P.S. The Radical Left smells blood in Texas. Chip in now to send a message to Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi that Texas is staying red.
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