
For the 4.6 million children living with unsecured firearms in their home, spending more time at home can be dangerous. Eight children and teens are unintentionally injured or killed every day because they or others had access to an unlocked or unsupervised gun in the home.

And now the Trump administration has listed gun stores as "critical infrastructure" during COVID-19, and the nation has seen a surge in gun sales, increasing the likelihood of unintentional shootings.

Family fire is preventable, so we need immediate action to protect our families from accidental shootings. Last year, Kim co-sponsored the Prevent Family Fire Act to incentivize the sale of Safe Storage devices. It is common sense to keep guns stored safely out of the reach of children at home. Passing this bill will save lives.

Now, Kim is joining Brady PAC to demand action. If you agree we need safe storage laws, add your name today >>

As a pediatrician and congresswoman, Kim's top priority is keeping us safe -- including from gun violence. Over the last year, she's helped pass a bill in the House to ensure comprehensive background checks for gun purchases, and close loopholes in the background check rules.

But there is still so much work to be done, and right now children across the country are in danger of accidental shootings -- and even intentional self injury with a gun. We need to act right away before we lose another child to family fire.

If you agree Congress needs to pass safe storage laws, add your name to stand with Kim and gun safety activists across the country.


Team Schrier

Paid for by Dr. Kim Schrier for Congress

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