Investing in voter outreach is the way to win.                                                                 

$10 = 10 voters. It's that simple, Jack xxxxxx.

For just a dollar, we can print an outreach postcard and share our message with a voter. Every single one of them will count in this toss-up race.

But we can't put in our first order of postcards if we don't hit today's fundraising goal. We still need to bring in $4,500 to pay for our $10,000 postcard order.

Chip in $5 and help us order outreach postcards and reach thousands of voters.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

There's no Washington PAC or mega-donor waiting in the wings to pay for this order, Jack xxxxxx. I'm counting on grassroots supporters like you to fuel this campaign.

Help us prepare for take-off and order 10,000 voter outreach postcards by chipping in $5 now. We have to start reaching thousands of voters now to flip this toss-up district.

- Kim Olson, Col, USAF, ret.


Kim Olson is a farmer, combat veteran, and champion for education. After 25 years in the Air Force, Kim served three years in the Texas State Guard and started a non-profit to help women veterans. Now, she's taking on our broken Congress and running to represent TX-24. Chip in and help Kim fly through to victory.

Kim for Congress
P.O. Box 4
Addison, TX 75001
United States