June 10, 2020


Just a note to share with you Quincy Institute’s new report, released today on the why and the how of winding down the nearly 19-year-old War on Terror. 

The report, co-written by QI’s Steven Simon and Carnegie Endowment for International Peace’s Richard Sokolsky, is well worth your closer consideration. It’s particularly timely given the how COVID-19 has forced us to fundamentally reassess the nature of the threats America and American face and how best to confront them. As Richard Sokolsky said in our press release about the report: “The challenge the coronavirus pandemic has posed to conventional thinking on what constitutes a security threat may yet create a political opening for the reckoning we need to bring the United States CT strategy in line with our national interests.”

You can read the executive summary of the report on our website, and download a copy of the full text.  You can also watch a video about the findings.

After you’ve had a chance to take in the report, please consider joining us tomorrow, Thursday, 6/11 at noon, for a webinar discussion of it with author and Senior Analyst Steve Simon, Fordham’s Karen Greenberg, and Ambassador Daniel Benjamin. Eric Schmitt, the New York Times national security correspondent, will moderate.  You can register to join here

Lastly, please help spread the word and grow Quincy’s audience, by sharing the video and the graphics (#1, #2, and #3) on social media.  

Thanks for all you do,

Trita Parsi
Executive Vice President, Quincy Institute 


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