
Thank you for your vote and support in yesterday's Republican Primary Election!  
Robin and I are so honored to represent Republicans as their 12th district nominee again.  You have my word that I will continue to put Georgia’s 12th District first and support policies that create jobs and reduce the size and scope of the federal government.
If we learned anything from yesterday’s primary elections, it’s that Democrats are energized, and they want more than anything to turn Georgia blue.  If they are successful, Joe Biden will be President, Chuck Schumer will run the U.S. Senate and Nancy Pelosi will still be Speaker of the House.
It’s critically important that we re-elect President Trump, keep control of the U.S. Senate and take back the U.S. House.  
This year’s election is one of the most important in our history. It’s sure to be a spirited debate with two very different visions: one that demands bigger government and higher taxes verses one that promotes economic freedom and prosperity for every American.  From combating the coronavirus pandemic to reopening America, we must remain ever vigilant; and last week’s strong job numbers are proof that President Trump and Republican leadership understands what it takes to lead our economic revival.
Georgia is expected to be a targeted state, but because of the strong leadership of President Trump, Vice President Pence, Governor Kemp, the entire Republican Congressional delegation and our Republicans in the General Assembly, I’m confident that Georgia will remain a red state, but it will take all of us coming together and supporting our Republican candidates up and down the ballot.  I am counting on you.
Georgia’s 12th Congressional District, you have given me the greatest honor of my life – representing you in the United States Congress.  Come November, I look forward to continuing to serve each and every one of you and being your voice in Washington.
God bless, 

Paid for by Rick W. Allen for Congress

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Rick W. Allen for Congress, P.O. Box 338, Augusta, GA 30903

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