While we work for justice and change here at home, we know that we also need to continue our work for a just and peaceful future for Palestinians and Israelis -- and I wanted to give you an important update on some of that work.
J Street U

Friend --

This is a tremendously important moment for our country, as we take part in and witness a national reckoning over the ongoing impacts of systemic racism. While we work for justice and change here at home, we know that we also need to continue our work for a just and peaceful future for Palestinians and Israelis -- and I wanted to give you an important update on some of that work.

At last year’s National Conference, J Street U and J Street launched our campaign to #ChangeThePlatform. We called on the Democratic Party to ensure that its 2020 platform would include, for the first time, specific support for Palestinian rights alongside continued support for Israel’s security, and explicit opposition to occupation, settlement expansion and annexation.

As the national student president of J Street U during the course of this campaign, I’ve seen how much these points resonate with progressive young people across the country -- the people who will do everything they can to help defeat Donald Trump this fall, and who represent the future leadership of the Democratic Party.

I’ve seen how strong the desire is to make sure that the next party platform -- and the next administration -- fully commit to pro-Israel, pro-peace and pro-Palestinian policies that will respect the legitimate rights and aspirations of both peoples, firmly oppose the destructive policies of the Israeli far right and help lead the way toward lasting peace.

Just weeks ahead of a Democratic convention that -- due to the pandemic -- will likely look very different than in years past, I’m thrilled to share with you some key milestones and accomplishments from this campaign:

Additionally, thousands of Americans have signed our petition to the Democratic platform committee calling for these important changes. If you haven’t signed on yet, I hope you’ll add your name and endorse our campaign today >>

This has been a major coordinated effort across the organization, bringing together all the different facets of our work. Our student leaders and organizers have forged strong ties with allies on campus, overcome the major challenges of organizing during the COVID-19 pandemic and built a broad base of support, which is delivering the momentum and power we need as we head toward the convention.

While we’re very hopeful, we don’t yet know what the final shape of the platform will look like -- and whether we’ll ultimately see the change that we so deeply need.

But we do know that, no matter what, we’ve helped to fundamentally change the debate on these issues in US politics and within the Democratic Party. And we know that the strong political alliances and relationships we’ve built throughout this campaign will endure for years to come.

We believe they will be especially invaluable in the weeks ahead, as we approach a fateful moment for Israelis, Palestinians and the US-Israel relationship, and as we continue to mobilize major, vocal US opposition to the Netanyahu government’s annexation plans.

In solidarity,

Matan Arad-Neeman
J Street U National Student Board President

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J Street U is the student organizing arm of J Street, the political home for pro-Israel, pro-peace Americans. We are a nationwide movement of campus chapters advocating and educating on colleges and universities, in our communities and on Capitol Hill for vigorous and sustained American leadership in facilitating a negotiated, two-state resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. We are deeply committed to ensuring Israel’s future as the democratic homeland of the Jewish people, which can only be secured through a two-state resolution.

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