You need to see this. The response has been incredible!
Green Party of England and Wales


Since we asked you to step up and help yesterday, we've been blown away by the response!

We've received over 120 donations for an average of £30 -- giving us the grassroots support to build a movement for a Green Recovery. Can you please chip in whatever you can to help us reach our goal?

— Green Team

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jonathan Bartley, Green Party
Date: Tues, June 9, 2020
Subject: A Green Recovery now
To: [email protected]


The Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted just how trapped we are in the chaos of overlapping crises. We have been trained to address our societal issues in silos. But as Greens, we know everything is interconnected.

We need an all encompassing fully integrated answer. We need a solution that radically brings emissions down, while creating secure jobs, quality housing and delivering justice to those who have been abused by racist, oppressive and destructive systems.

We need a just and transformative Green Recovery. We demand it. Will you give today so we can continue to put pressure on the Government to make it happen?


A truly Green Recovery means building an economy that protects both the planet and people. It means building resilient and regenerative communities, health care and food systems. It means not having to choose between keeping our houses warm and feeding our families. It means a roof over every head. And a social security system that lifts every single one of us up.

Will you help us continue this important work?

GIVE £20

As Caroline Lucas outlined in her speech from her doorstep a few weeks ago, our framework for a Green Economy includes:

- A commitment to a Green Recovery including investment in energy efficiency and clean transport in order to get people back to work and to modernise our economy

- Extending the connections we have made in our communities so that we work together, and tear down the barriers that divide us

- Tapping into the energy and generosity shown by the people of Britain to give every part of the country the tools they need to build inclusive and sustainable communities

- Putting people back at the heart of our democracy by ensuring all of us are partners in designing a better future for our country

Are you in?


Last week, alongside Greens of Colour, we called on the Government to take immediate action to protect BAME communities and start an independent public inquiry into why people of colour are disproportionately impacted by COVID-19. We also led the call for a suspension of sales of weapons which are being used to violate human rights in the US.

We must not allow the events of the past days, weeks and months to become just another reminder of how broken our societies are. Inequality, injustice and suffering do not stop when the novelty of the news cycle wears off. Change comes when people take action and tip the balance of power. Will you join our efforts by giving to our campaign today?

Thank you for your support,

Jonathan Bartley


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