
How are you my friend? Is your life getting back to “normal”? Our communities and state may be “re-opening,” but not the battle over our values, liberties and freedoms––because the Left's all-out assault on Texas never stopped or even slowed in the first place. 

That’s why as our most important fundraising deadline of the year approaches––our fiscal year end on June 30––we’re giving thanks right now. We are truly grateful for the opportunity to keep fighting and winning for you, but we need to raise $185,000 by June 30.

Without your generosity, none of our victories would have been possible. And without your continued generosity and support, none of it will stand. So please give today>>

We recently celebrated a major victory in Austin, whose liberal school district called off its planned roll-out of a radical sex-ed curriculum after our team and partners worked for months to defeat it. As leaders of an all-out fight to stop it, we’re thankful that Austin’s children won’t be brainwashed in LGBT propaganda this year, and this should send a message to all other school districts in Texas.

But, this was only the flagship for what the Left wants to impose statewide.

Right now, the Texas State Board of Education is preparing to review health guidelines for all Texas textbooks. Leftist groups are pushing an unconditional embrace of radical LGBT ideology: a sweeping “re-education” of each and every child in Texas.

We’re fighting back daily. One key focus is our statewide effort to alert and mobilize the state, including the heart and soul of its values––Texas pastors and churches.

Our church outreach efforts are already making an impact. Pastor Steve Branson of San Antonio’s Village Parkway Church recently shared Texas Values has been an amazing help…their legal advice has been amazing…Texas Values has been a great resource, and I hope you’ll be supportive of them in the days ahead.”

Your financial support today will help us expand our Church outreach efforts like never before. 

But churches aren’t the only rays of hope we’ve been able to help. Texas Values’ legal team was able to give advice to help pro-life pregnancy centers keep serving––and keep saving unborn lives during COVID-19.

But our fight for life doesn’t end there. We helped support the legal effort against Planned Parenthood’s lawsuits against Governor’s Abbott’s order halting abortions during the COVID-19 pandemic.  And even after the pandemic ends, we’re committed to ending abortion in Texas.

Now, we face a crucial transition. As Texas prepares to pivot into what they call the New Normal, our vigilance and quick-response will be even more important.

This comes as we reach the end of our Fiscal Year––the crucial end of our budget year.

All this leads me to ask you, with the greatest urgency, to consider a generous gift today as you’re able. Leftists have spent the shutdown period fundraising and planning the next phase of their Texas takeover. 

We, however, have a far more powerful source––the resolve of you, and Texans like you, to stand and take action for our families and our most beloved values.

In full awareness of the financial stresses we all face, will you make a generous tax-deductible gift today by our June 30 Fiscal Year-End Deadline?

Your gift will have a powerful impact, fueling a team that is working harder and accomplishing more than opponents ten times our budget. So please give today––as you can.


Jonathan Saenz
President, Texas Values

900 Congress Ave. Suite 220 | Austin, TX 78701 | 512.478.2220

Texas Values is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to standing for faith, family, and freedom in Texas. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Copyright © 2020 Texas Values, All rights reserved.
