Dear Reader, For some strange reason, this hasn’t received a ton of press… But last March… A team of researchers completed the first-ever human clinical trial on the weight loss effects of taking collagen. (We already knew collagen promoted weight loss in animals, but no human research had been done yet.) Anyway, 90 overweight adults participated in the 12-week trial. I’ll spoil the results now: yes, they all lost weight. BUT… There’s a twist. Because as impressive as the weight-loss results were, it may only be scratching the surface of what’s true health benefits are! My friends at Kettle & Fire were kind enough to do a full write-up that spells out an even bigger collagen weight-loss opportunity. One that builds on what these researchers discovered and takes it to the next level. I think you’re going to find it fascinating. It’s a fast read and well worth the 3 minutes! Click here to keep reading… |