Dear John,
Marshall and I were at a restaurant grabbing a quick bite to eat before a concert and I don’t know who was more excited, me or him, when the server came over to take our order. He was a young guy, probably still in college and looked like he had a late night the night before. He looked at Marshall and said "Hey, don't I know you from somewhere?". Marshall proudly answered, "Yes, you may know me from City Council" and the guy looked very puzzled and said "No, definitely not it". After he left, I looked at Marshall and said "You think this City Council thing is a much bigger deal than it really is,'' haha. Years later, the joke is on me as it turns out it was a really big deal and I am now writing you this email to ask for your vote for my husband as the next mayor of the City of Knoxville.

Although a mayoral campaign was not on my radar then, I knew there was something special about Marshall. He has the distinct ability to see the world as it should be and goes out of his way to make it a better place. He has never met a stranger and truly loves people - hearing about them, what makes them tick and what would make their life better. That has translated to him being a thoughtful council member for the past 8 years: advocating for education, bringing people together on contentious issues, navigating tight budgets, promoting parks and recreation, repairing roads and sidewalks, and seeking as much outside input as possible before making tough decisions.
Marshall is the hardest worker I know and still always manages to show up for his family and friends and causes that are important to him. We have a 1.5 year old daughter, Stella, who is the light of our lives and she has made us both want to make Knoxville the best it can be. Not just for today, but for the future so that this is a place our kids and grandkids want to live too. Marshall has the experience and vision to do just that and is committed to moving Knoxville Forward.
I am just so incredibly proud and can’t imagine a better person to represent our City! I hope we can count on your vote for Marshall for Mayor!