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Death. Disease. Carnage. What on EARTH is God saying?

Martin Mawyer, President

As Christians it is difficult for us to avoid the question: Is the coronavirus an act of God intended to punish nations and people for their disobedience of His laws, their outright rejection of His supremacy?

We know for certain that God has the power to shatter His enemies:  “Your right hand, O Lord, shatters the enemy.” (Exodus 15:6)

But if God is shattering His enemies, why are those who love God suffering as well?

Did God plan or invent COVID-19? Is this God’s wrath?  Or is this just a freak accident, a lab experiment gone wrong, or a cruel twist of nature?

It seems highly unlikely that God would design, manipulate or create a disease to sicken millions, kill hundreds of thousands and cause irreversible harm to billions more.

Read more.

The good, bad and ugly news:

* New West Virginia law allows Bible classes in the public schools
* Elmer Fudd and Yosemite Sam are stripped of their rifles, pistols
* Muslim father in Uganda burns daughter for becoming a Christian
* New York City disallows calling illegal aliens...illegal

* Portland must pay street preacher $50,000 for bogus ban from park
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