CURE - Citizens United for Research in Epilepsy

Beth Lewin DeanGreetings, CURE community. Epilepsy can occur in anyone. Any age, any race, any color, any gender. However, research has demonstrated that too often communities and people of color face major hurdles when it comes to epilepsy diagnosis, treatment, and healthcare access.

Throughout the world, individuals, governments, and organizations are having long over-due, difficult conversations about systemic racism, including those found in healthcare. This gap runs counter to our mission and needs to change. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is actively conducting a study to understand these gaps; please consider participating now through June 15.

At CURE we believe a world free of epilepsy, as well as racism, hate, and systemic inequality is possible. And to build that world, we must reaffirm that black lives matter. Our vision is simple: a world without epilepsy. For everyone. Period. We promise this: if even one person is still living with the debilitating effects of epilepsy, we will continue to push science forward.

We remain committed to providing resources, opportunities, and educational content for you, our community. In this update, please find:

Be well,

Beth Lewin Dean

Beth Lewin Dean, CEO

Telehealth TipsHow to Make the Most of Telehealth Visits

Download Guide

While “telemedicine” has been around for years, the arrival of COVID-19 has increased use of this service within healthcare practices. With the CDC recommending that people minimize physical contact and proximity with others, telemedicine - also referred to as “telehealth” - has become a valuable tool for seeking non-emergency medical treatment.

In our guide, please find helpful tips on how you can prepare for telehealth visits with your doctors.

Upcoming EventsStay Active while Social Distancing with These Upcoming Events!

Looking for a way to stay active and get involved with CURE while social distancing? Then you won’t want to miss out on our virtual scavenger hunt! Keep an eye on your inbox and social media. An announcement is coming soon...

Plus, warm up for the big scavenger hunt with CURE Champion Megan Cullen’s virtual 5K run/walk, Go the Distance for CURE! Register here.

The Catalyst AwardIntroducing the Catalyst Award, a New Avenue to Fund Research

For more than 20 years we’ve been on an unrelenting search for a cure. We have funded more than 240 grants in 15 countries to better understand the causes of epilepsy, uncover new therapies, and cure epilepsy once and for all. Now it is time to take those research findings one step further.

We are thrilled to expand our current research approach with the CURE Catalyst award. This grant funds translational research, where findings from basic research studies are “translated” into the next phase of research to prepare potential new treatments for clinical trials.

The Catalyst AwardCURE Discovery: Inhibiting This Brain Enzyme May Prevent Epilepsy

Learn More

In his CURE-funded research, Dr. Detlev Boison and his team found that inhibiting a particular enzyme in the brains of mice following injury protects them from developing epilepsy. Dr. Boison’s groundbreaking research supports the development of improved, more selective compounds which can one day be tested in clinical trials and, hopefully, approved for clinical use.

Seizing LifeNew from Seizing Life®, a CURE Podcast

Listen or Watch

Catch up on the latest episodes of the Seizing Life podcast where we discuss:

  • How Seizure Tracker empowers the epilepsy community and supports research. Listen or Watch
  • The strong link between epilepsy and mood disorders and how parents and individuals with epilepsy alike can improve their mental health. Listen or Watch

Our mission is to find a cure for epilepsy, by promoting and funding patient-focused research. CURE is a non-profit 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. Our tax identification number is 36-4253176.

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420 Wabash Ave, Ste 650
Chicago, IL 60611

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