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Dear Fellow Patriot,

I’m spreading the word of America First throughout Virginia, and I need your help.

First, please go and check out this new TV ad my team put together here

(or follow the image below)

Then, please consider donating to my campaign for the U.S. House of Representatives

I have less than TWO WEEKS until my primary election, and I NEED your help to keep this ad on the air.

Contribute to my campaign during this critical time to make that happen.

I’m the only candidate in the race who supports President Trump, and the America First agenda.

During this crucial election cycle, we MUST send President Trump reinforcements in Congress.

By contributing $5, $10, $25, $50, $100, $250, or anything you can afford today, you’ll be helping me spread the word about America First to the voters of Virginia.

Thank you in advance for your generosity.


Jarome Bell

Chief Jarome Bell
Conservative Republican
Virginia's 2nd U.S. House District


P.S. Democrat Open-Border activists currently occupy the U.S. House seat that is home to U.S. Navy’s biggest installation -- Naval Station Norfolk.

We must not let that stand! 

That's why I need you watch this new TV ad my team just put together. 

Then, please consider contributing to my campaign to defeat gun-grabbing, open-border Democrat Elaine Luria


This seat in Virginia’s historic Tidewater region has traditionally been represented by conservative Republicans -- and it still can be

One thing is for sure: we are going to continue fighting to Keep America Great. We’re growing our campaign, rapidly -- we already have more than 2,500 volunteers and donors fighting with us across the country. But now is the time to charge, full speed ahead

So please contribute with your most generous contribution of $2000, $1000 or whatever you can give right away and after you're done please forward this email to your family and friends to help keep up the fight.



Copyright © 2019, Jarome Bell for Congress, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is: PO Box 6775 Virginia Beach, VA 23456

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