Simple actions you can take to help animals.

Dear John,

You recently joined Mercy For Animals because you care about giving a voice to the voiceless. Together we’ve already done so much to drive change for suffering animals. Thank you!

Our movement is stronger with you on our side. There are many ways to advocate for farmed animals and make a huge impact. Check out our Action Center to learn more about being a powerful voice for animals.

You are a kind and passionate person, John! When you found out about the cruelty farmed animals endure, you decided to take a stand.
Make a BIGGER difference for farmed animals
When you visit our Action Center, you’ll find best practices and strategies for spreading the truth about the horrifying abuse at factory farms and slaughterhouses that most people are unaware of.

From ordering booklets to share with friends and family to writing a letter to the editor or an opinion piece for a newspaper, you can pick the heroic actions that best suit you.

The movement to end animal abuse is gaining momentum. We’re seeing enthusiasm and dedication like we have never seen before. Almost everyone is against animal cruelty—all we have to do is show them the problem. And now we have YOU!

We’re counting on you to stand up for animals. Take the next step today.
Leah Garcés