Webinar discussion: Faith leaders’ roles during COVID-19

Friday 12 June 2020 2.00pm - 4.00pm CAT

Hello! Sonke Gender Justice and MenEngage Africa Alliance invite you to a webinar on: The Faith Community and COVID-19.
Here is your link to participate in the webinar

Overall objectives of the webinar discussion:

  • Identifying challenges encountered by women and children during lockdown, and food and other essential items distribution.
  • Faith leaders’ interventions in tackling domestic violence and GBV in communities.
  • Providing faith leaders with other alternatives in tackling domestic violence and GBV during COVID-19 by providing with counselling, reporting violence cases and referrals.


Harriet Chibuta is the Executive Director of Young Women in Action (YWA) with over 8 years’ experience in empowering adolescent girls or young woman in SRHR and promoting young women’s participation indecision-making and political leadership.

She will speak on: How COVID-19 has negatively affected women and girls.

Salim Mohammed Salim is a Muslim cleric and a gender activist. He serves as team leader of several faith-based organisations working to promote gender equality and women’s economic empowerment in rural communities. He is passionate about engaging faith leaders to end GBV.

Lieutenant Reverend Tshegofatso Beregane is with Salvation Army, Botswana.

She will speak on: The Christian Leadership’s Response to COVID-19.

Mpiwa Mangwiro-Tsanga is the Regional Campaigns and Advocacy Specialist at Sonke Gender Justice. She has vast experience in human rights, peace and gender advocacy, having worked with various national and international human rights organisations to advocate for gender equality and the building of more just and sustainable communities through peaceful resolution of conflict.

She will speak on: The negative impact COVID-19 has in depriving people their rights, especially women and children.

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