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Academy bosses running a Sikh free school have said they will look at mounting a legal challenge against a decision to hand the school to another trust following a damning Ofsted verdict.
Church of England bishops have been accused of "utter hypocrisy" for publicly supporting the Black Lives Matter movement while failing to address racism in their dioceses.
Anger at the Fishmongers' Hall and Streatham terror attacks must not "distort the lessons" of what took place, the government has been warned. The stabbings, which were both committed by Islamist extremists who had been released from prison, sparked proposed new laws to keep terrorists in jail for longer.
U.S. President Donald Trump plans to sign legislation calling for sanctions on Chinese officials responsible for oppressing Uighur Muslims, a source familiar with the matter said on Monday without offering a time frame for the signing.
In 2014, after undertaking a brief tour of Xinjiang, Xi instructed the cadres of the Communist Party of China to "show absolutely no mercy" to its Uighur Muslim population.
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