Dear John,
Julia was pregnant with 16 piglets when she was kicked, beaten, and even burned with an electric prod.
When she finally collapsed from the abuse, factory farm workers dragged her by her ears into the crate where she was to give birth.
I’m sure you agree that no animal should be subjected to cruelty like this. But, tragically, farm animals like Julia are abused every day in the factory farming industry.
Please sign Farm Sanctuary’s petition to President Trump to help stop the rampant abuse of farm animals in America’s factory farms.
Fortunately, this was not any ordinary day in Julia’s life. On that day, Farm Sanctuary rescued her and brought her to live out the rest of her life in peace at our New York Shelter.
Farm Sanctuary has shelters across the country that provide loving treatment and lifelong care for nearly 1,000 abused farm animals like Julia.
But we cannot be there for every terrified cow, sheep, pig, chicken, turkey, or other abused or neglected farm animal. To help stop their suffering, we need to change the way business is done in America’s factory farms, stockyards, and slaughterhouses.
Sign your petition today and call for change. Your action will help end the suffering of:
- Mothers who have their babies ripped away from them and sent to the slaughterhouse.
- Male chicks in the egg-production business who are thoughtlessly thrown into trash cans or otherwise discarded by the millions.
- Male calves born on dairy farms who are seen as byproducts of the industry and raised for veal or beef.
- Cows who are forced into unnatural and unhealthy breeding cycles that turn them into virtual milk machines.
These horrific practices are considered business as usual for factory farms. But, by lending your voice, you will help Farm Sanctuary expose the truth about how farm animals are mistreated and encourage President Trump’s administration to eliminate some of the worst abuses in industrial agriculture.
We can rescue more individuals like Julia, and relieve the suffering of millions of others trapped in the factory farming system. But it depends on YOU.
Say “no” to the abuses on factory farms by signing our petition now.
Yours for farm animals,
 Gene Baur President and Co-founder
P.S. Just eight hours after arriving at our New York Shelter, Julia gave birth to 16 tiny piglets. I shudder to think what would have happened to her if we hadn’t rescued her that day. Sign Farm Sanctuary’s petition to help stop cruelty to farm animals.