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Elbert Guillory's America
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“Are Democrats afraid of this guy?
HELL YEAH! And they have good reason to be!"
-Senator Elbert Guillory

Elbert Guillory header

Fellow Patriot,

There's only one thing Democrats fear more than an outspoken, Black conservative voter like me...

A no-nonsense Black conservative candidate, West Point graduate, and Army Apache pilot who isn’t afraid to expose the left's lies and urge ALL Black voters to abandon the Democrat Plantation.

That man is Capt. Wesley Hunt. - a rising SUPERSTAR and American hero.

Will You Be One of the First Patriots to Endorse Capt. Wesley Hunt for Congress (TX-7)?

Wesley Hunt with arms crossed

"When I flew Apaches over Iraq, I was guided by three words: duty, honor, country...We live in the greatest nation in the world and it is time for our leaders in Washington to act like it.” -Capt. Wesley Hunt


Right now Wesley is flying under the Republican's radar (but the Dems have definitely taken notice!).

But trust me, it's only a matter of time before conservative titans like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and President Trump throw their support behind this American hero.

That's why I want to make sure you have one of the first chances to personally let Capt. Hunt know you stand shoulder to shoulder with him.

Take my word for it, he'll need your support.

I know for a fact because when I abandoned the Democrat Plantation Party and ran as a Republican candidate, Jim Crow leftists smeared me as an...

"Uncle Tom", "Oreo" and "Race Traitor".

Now that Wesley Hunt is a rising superstar in the Republican Party and is running in a Texas swing District the Democrats desperately need to hold on to, you can bet they'll tear him down just like they did to me.

So you better believe he needs to know that patriots like you have his back! You can make sure he knows that right now by signing your endorsement.

Wesley Hunt in front of chopper

“When I flew Apaches over Iraq, I was guided by three words: duty, honor, country. The men and women that I served with didn’t focus on things that divided us, but were bonded together by a shared mission that was larger than ourselves...We need more of this spirit in Washington and that is why I am running for Congress."


With your support - and God's blessing – Capt. Wesley Hunt will frustrate the hell out of the Democrats by flipping this critically important Texas-7 district and help Republicans and President Trump take back the House!

Democrats Are TERRIFIED of Capt. Wesley Hunt and Will Do Anything to STOP Him!

Like I just told you, Democrats have already taken notice of Capt. Hunt and are terrified!

And they have good reason to be!

After all, Capt. Wesley Hunt is an outspoken Black conservative, West Point graduate, and Army combat veteran who flew Apache helicopters.

Wesley Hunt in helmet

Capt. Wesley Hunt is the Democrats worst nightmare, and now that he's launched his campaign to flip Texas-7, you better believe Jim Crow leftists are going to hit him with every racial slur under the sun! Will you be one of the first to endorse Capt. Hunt and let him know you have his back?


That's right – Apache helicopters! That's scary enough for the modern day Jim Crow Democrats. But what terrifies them the most is the fact that...

Wesley Hunt's Life DESTROYS the Left's #1 Lie: The Lie That Blacks Can't Succeed Without the Democrat Party!

That's the most important lie Democrats use to keep Black, and other minority voters, chained to the Democrat Plantation.

And it's no different in the Texas-7 district where Capt. Hunt is now running.

After all, minority voters make up over 50% of the voters in this district, and Democrats MUST make sure a majority of them vote for their candidate.

Wesley Hunt smiling

"Changing Washington won’t be easy, but graduating from West Point and serving in the United States Army, being deployed to combat zones, and flying Apache helicopters over Iraq has prepared me for tough fights and big challenges. I truly believe nothing is more worth fighting for than our great country and our way of life..."


Just like they did in 2018 when they flipped this longtime Republican stronghold.

They may have won that battle, but with Capt. Wesley Hunt now on the ticket, we're going to win the war and flip back this critically important Texas-7 district!

Just imagine what's going to happen when Capt. Hunt – a Black man who never needed one cotton-pickin' thing from the Democrat Party – reaches out to minority voters in this district and shares his life story and conservative message...

He's going to DESTROY the Democrats lie once and for all!

"Wesley Hunt knows what it takes to get the job done..."

-House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy


The Democrats will lose the Texas-7 seat they flipped in 2018.

Which, by the way, was one of the house seats that flipped control of the House to Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats!


They'll lose MORE minority votes they desperately need if they're ever going to flip Texas blue.

Endorse Wesley Hunt

Not on Capt. Hunt's watch. Not ever.

But like I told you before, the Democrats won’t give up this district without a BIG fight.

And you better believe they're already raising thousands and thousands of dollars to make sure they can smear Capt. Wesley Hunt.

Just like they smeared me when I abandoned the Democrat Plantation and Party of disappointment.

So please, will you be one of the first patriots to endorse Capt. Wesley Hunt right now?

As soon as you sign your endorsement, I'll make sure yours – and many more – make it to this American hero so he knows you have his back in this fight!

Remember, you have an exclusive opportunity right now to endorse this rising superstar before conservative titans like Rush, Hannity, and President Trump throw their support behind him.

And that could happen at any moment!

And after you do, will you send your urgent gift in any amount?

Remember... Democrats are TERRIFIED of Capt. Hunt.

Heck, they're already raising thousands of dollars to try and smear his impeccable record.

That means our good friend Wesley will need to be ready to fight back.

But since he's spent his life serving our great country, he doesn't have a war chest of funds like his opponent who can count on the Democrat-Machine to flood her campaign with endless cash.

That means you and I need to do everything we can to fight for this American hero.

That's why I'm praying you'll rush back your signed endorsement along with a donation of $1,000, $500, $250, or even $5,000 - the maximum allowed by law per year for an individual.

If you'll do that, you'll make Elbert Guillory's America can create more hard-hitting videos and ads supporting Capt. Hunt.

Even better, we plan on creating billboards much like the one below that we can place in strategic areas all over the Texas-7 district.

Endorse Wesley Hunt

A gift of $100 will help produce online ads targeting African Americans and other minority voters in the Texas-7 district, and other areas across the country, who are trapped on the Democrat's plantation.

Ads just like my "Why I Am a Republican" video.

But even a smaller gift of $75, $50, or even $35 can have a major impact by allowing us to create more online videos geared towards supporting Capt. Hunt – and other conservatives.

But no matter what amount you can send, whether $5,000, $1,000, $500, $250, $100, $50, or $35, I pray you'll send it today along with your signed endorsement so Wesley knows you have his back in this fight.

Elbert Guillory


Senator Elbert Guillory


P.S. - Capt. Wesley Hunt absolutely TERRIFIES Democrats...and for good reason! This rising conservative superstar destroys the Democrats #1 lie: the lie that Black Americans need the Democrat party to succeed. Now he's exposing this lie to our Black brothers and sisters urging them to abandon the Democrat Plantation Party once and for all! More specifically, Capt. Hunt is fighting to flip the critical Texas-7 district that Democrats took back in 2018. Which, by the way, was one of the districts the Democrats flipped in 2018 that helped put Nancy Pelosi back in control of the House!

And trust me...Democrats will do ANYTHING to STOP him!

That's why I'm hoping you'll be one of the first to endorse this American hero so he knows you have his back in this fight as Democrats try to smear his spotless reputation!

And when you do, I hope you'll also rush back your gift in any amount to help make sure Elbert Guillory's America has the funds we need to defend Capt. Wesley Hunt, and other conservative candidates. Thank you, God bless, and welcome to my family.

Contributions to Elbert Guillory's America are not tax deductible. An individual may contribute up to $5,000 each calendar year.
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