Dear Friend --
We are writing today to share
highlights from yesterday’s procession, memorial, and rally in memory
of George Floyd. The action was co-sponsored by Black Lives Matter Los
Angeles (BLMLA), Clergy and Laity United for Economic Justice (CLUE),
and NEWSONG, and endorsed by over 50 other organizations in Southern
Over 2,000 cars joined the
procession, coming from Long Beach, Santa Ana, the San Fernando
Valley, Santa Monica, and South Los Angeles. Four of the processions
were led by a motorcade and a hearse, commemorating the lives of
George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and Ryan
Above, caskets honoring the lives
of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmad Arbery, and Ryan
CLUE’s Pastor Cue emceed the event,
which kicked off at 12pm. The memorial was a powerful, somber call to
action for all communities of faith to join together and
We must defund the police and rebuild our systems to
reflect our values of equity and justice.
Co-founder of Black Lives Matter
Los Angeles, Melina Abdulluh, opened the ceremony.
"Brother George Floyd's tremendous
Spirit has breathed new life into the long struggle against police and
White-supremacist violence and for Black freedom. He joins the many
thousands of our people whose bodies were stolen by police violence …
Today, we honor them and call on their Spirits to power our justice
movement forward."
She also called on faith leaders
to join BLMLA’s campaign to
defund the police and end state-sanctioned violence against Black
people. It is our “sacred duty to fight for the full power of our
people, not a comfortable place in oppression,” she said.
Though the memorial was in response
to the murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis police, the event also
highlighted the rampant abuse that Black and Brown communities face
right here in Los Angeles.
Since 2013, BLMLA states that 601
people have been killed by law enforcement.
Families who have lost loved ones
to police violence in Los Angeles shared their traumatic stories of
grief and their struggle for justice.
Clergy of all faiths, colors, and
backgrounds were present to stand in solidarity with this movement and
say together:
Enough is enough. The time is now. We must end
state-sanctioned police violence, dismantle white supremacy, and
rebuild our systems to reflect our values.

Dave K. Gibbons of NEWSONG
acknowledged the long road ahead while also calling on all of us to do
our part.
“Justice is the hard work of love.
The work of an activist is relentless. [I am g]rateful to BLM for
their passionate pursuit of justice and to dismantle institutional and
systemic racism in our country.”
Bishop John Taylor of the Episcopal
Diocese was also present and shared the denomination’s commitment to
the struggle.
“Opposition to unjust power lies at
the heart of our formation as Christians. We only have to remember how
Jesus died. We deplore the murder of George Floyd and stand with his
family and with all who have been the victims of anti-Black and racist
systems and institutions.”
Local and national media coverage
of the event can be found at the links below.
Local media:
National Media:
In faith and solidarity,
CLUE: Clergy and Laity United for Economic Justice
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