
For over a decade, I have been fighting to protect our public lands and guarantee full, permanent funding for the Land Water Conservation Fund (LWCF).

But for too long, Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans have stonewalled my legislation to please their wealthy corporate friends. It’s clear they care more about profit margins than protecting our environment.

The bottom line is this: our public lands are special places. And it’s our job to preserve and protect them for future generations.

My Great American Outdoors Act would guarantee full funding for the LWCF and provide long-overdue critical resources to our treasured National Parks.

For the first time, this bill has significant bipartisan support and we are closer than ever to enacting it as law. But, I need your help to push it across the finish line:

If you believe we should protect our public lands, sign on as a citizen co-sponsor of my Great American Outdoors Act now. Your signature will put pressure on the Senate to pass this bill immediately.


This bill is not only a victory for us, but for our children and grandchildren who will enjoy these public lands long after we’re gone.

