Call your members of Congress right now
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Dear Advocate,

In recent weeks, the crisis of police killing Black people has, again, escalated to a boiling point.

These stolen lives are part of a long cycle of violence with impunity toward Black people — one now causing outpourings of pain and outrage across the nation. While the killings underscore how much systemic racism endures in our nation, this moment has been met with a movement of people demanding transformative change. And those in power are hearing our demands.

Yesterday, members of the House of Representatives and Senate introduced the Justice in Policing Act. This legislation reflects the strong police accountability framework that our coalition sent to Congress, including provisions to prohibit no knock warrants in drug cases, ban chokeholds, create a national use of force standard, and increase the Justice Department's authority to prosecute officer misconduct.

But we can still make the bill stronger.

Advocate, call your members of Congress today and urge them to make clear that police brutality and violence have no place in America. For the first time in years, Congress is taking meaningful action. We must make sure they get it right.

Thanks for speaking up,

— The Leadership Conference

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